Good At Her Work


Junior Member
Damn. she must be good at her work if she has millions of customers! LOL

>LAS GUARANAS, Dominican Republic (AP) - Leaving her tin-roofed brothel for the day, the 42-year-old prostitute journeys to the capital for an injection that might save not only her life, but possibly millions more around the world.
Jacinta Julia Adams Fernandez, a mother of three, is one of 175 Dominican prostitutes lending their bodies to a trial of what New Jersey-based Merck & Co. (MRK) hopes will prove to be a vaccine against the virus that causes AIDS.
ok, now this makes sense why Merck wants to get our govt to force vaccines on to us via executive order, like the one in texas for the hpv the governor of texas who Merck is his numero uno campain contributor....they will be insisting that this aids vaccine is unnecessarily MANDATORY for everyone also, and make boocoos and boocoos off of tax payer funds....
After only testing it on a few people for a short time, Care.
Gotta keep those profits and stock market up.
yeah, that really sucks that those guys make a profit on saving the lives of hundreds of million people, doesn't it?
Yep like Thalamide babys, Fenfen, etc....
We could be condeming people to get aids or some other bad side effect that were at no risk for aids.
Yep like Thalidomide babys, Fenfen, etc....
We could be condeming people to get aids or some other bad side effect that were at no risk for aids.

We also don't really know how effective this vaccine is in the first place. Not knowing the longterm effects is unacceptable.

I learned from a friend who has daughters who might be affected by this edict that it is actually a simple matter to opt out of this requirement, even for "personal reasons", so the situation isn't quite as bad as the news article made it seem. Nevertheless, for a usually do-nothing governor with no medical background to suddenly make such a drastic law on his own is reprehensible.

Interesting that you have used thalidomide as an example. The consequences of that drug, given to combat morning sickness in early pregnancy (when the fetus is most vulnerable to any drug effects) were the reason that prenatal drug testing is done today. Prior to that time nobody suspected (why, I don't know!) that drugs taken by expectant mothers might have effects on their unborn offspring.
yeah, that really sucks that those guys make a profit on saving the lives of hundreds of million people, doesn't it?

No problem at all with them developing was our tax dollars that paid for their R & D on it...

But to FORCE everyone through an executive order to get the AIDS vaccine, and to pay for this vaccine for every person in America, even those not at risk, is a ruse by Merck to make billions off of us, and a waste of tax payer's money......mark my words, this hpv vaccine executive order by the texas governor for Merck is the preliminary step to making this happen with the hiv vaccine.

We, the tax payer ALREADY paid for the R & D to develop this vaccine....they are screwing us from the front first and then the back end ya they will charge a thousand bucks a person for this vaccine and make the tax payers pay for it for everyone, even those not at me and matt.
Strange as I remember back how different the drug companies acted about the polio vaccine. Much of it was produced at little or no profit.