Good deed

cancel2 2022

Good deed done today, at the supermarket check-out. I was behind an old lady in the queue. Her bill came to £51.60 but when she counted out her change she had just under £50. She didn’t want me to help her bless her, but I insisted, and in no time we had all her shopping back on the shelves.
Good deed done today, at the supermarket check-out. I was behind an old lady in the queue. Her bill came to £51.60 but when she counted out her change she had just under £50. She didn’t want me to help her bless her, but I insisted, and in no time we had all her shopping back on the shelves.

Lol, you ain't right. :D
Good deed done today, at the supermarket check-out. I was behind an old lady in the queue. Her bill came to £51.60 but when she counted out her change she had just under £50. She didn’t want me to help her bless her, but I insisted, and in no time we had all her shopping back on the shelves.

my first reaction before getting to the end was being offended over you bragging about helping someone by giving them a dollar, followed by revulsion that you helped them in the first place, and then finally abject horror that it was in fact just another joke by you which ended up (as always) being completely dull and unfunny. seconds wasted.
my first reaction before getting to the end was being offended over you bragging about helping someone by giving them a dollar, followed by revulsion that you helped them in the first place, and then finally abject horror that it was in fact just another joke by you which ended up (as always) being completely dull and unfunny. seconds wasted.

If it had been you in that situation, you've have told her to stop being a taker and go kill herself!
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