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Tiny brain no obstacle to French civil servant
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A man with an unusually tiny brain managed to live an entirely normal life despite his condition, caused by a fluid buildup in his skull, French researchers reported on Thursday.

Scans of the 44-year-old man's brain showed that a huge fluid-filled chamber called a ventricle took up most of the room in his skull, leaving little more than a thin sheet of actual brain tissue.

"He was a married father of two children, and worked as a civil servant," Dr. Lionel Feuillet and colleagues at the Universite de la Mediterranee in Marseille wrote in a letter to the Lancet medical journal.
I wonder if his childern have normal IQs .

It would be interesting to find out how much this hampered his intelligence.
For instance, this one moron once told me that government printed currency was all counterfeit.

He was most likely referring to the various levels of dubious legitimacy in our monetary system. Fiat Currency, Fractional Reserve Lending.

As an interesting segue for you, considering your fixation on the "counterfeit" word, start with this essay question: Why is counterfeiting illegal? Then apply those realizations to our current currency system, and ask yourself why it's different.