Good Friday...


Staff member
What do you Christians do on this particular day?

At the church I grew up in, we didn't do much other than recognize that it was the day that Christ was taken to the cross.

I always wondered what was so "good" about it....

Anyway I digress. Catholics, I believe, take the day far more seriously, it being the last of Lent (Another one I don't understand, Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness culminating on Palm Sunday, not Easter.) so what do y'all do?
In my family, we all gather to eat pizza and calzones to celebrate the day. Homemade ones - my mom. They're delicious.

My family is not religious, but being Italian, boy can we eat.

What do you Christians do on this particular day?

At the church I grew up in, we didn't do much other than recognize that it was the day that Christ was taken to the cross.

I always wondered what was so "good" about it....

Anyway I digress. Catholics, I believe, take the day far more seriously, it being the last of Lent (Another one I don't understand, Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness culminating on Palm Sunday, not Easter.) so what do y'all do?
Mmmmm... Calzones...

Man, I have a friend who can make the best spicy calzones I have ever had the experience eating. And yes, I have been to NYC.
we always had calzones and pizza too, no meats because we abstained from meat on good grandmother , (Nonna)stuffed the calzones with things like spinach with raisins and with brocolli.

the smell of the fresh dough in pizza cooking is something i will never forget. being half italian, (my mother is foreign (italian) born), food is what makes the world go round on any and every religious holiday, national holiday, and every sunday! :)


on good friday, by myself or with matthew, i always try to read the gospel of john's crucifiction account....and cry my eyes out every single time i read this account of good's very sad.... if there ever is a reason to be against capital punishment because it can be used to put an innocent man to his death, this day is a good example of it.
through HIM is our salvation....he died for the sins of mankind....was sacrificed for our sin because none of us can be perfect enough or pure enough to stand in the pressense of a just God...

thousands of year old scripture is fulfilled.... and as painful of a trek that He went through, it still is a day of somber ....celebration....

and Easter, when He rose from the dead is very important, because it showed us that there is a ''thereafter'' that we will transform and go in to...after life on earth is complete. :)

that reminds me, eating egg bread with raisins is another italian tradition around Easter time...Panatone'...yummy!
Yes care I know story heard most of it in church last Sunday, still go occasionally, there are some good people in there. also don't want to stomp the preachers hopes about me converting too much ;)

I just personally do not want anyone dying to "save" me ....I take no pleasure in that....Had it happen once....Still feel guilty over surviving.
through HIM is our salvation....he died for the sins of mankind....was sacrificed for our sin because none of us can be perfect enough or pure enough to stand in the pressense of a just God...

thousands of year old scripture is fulfilled.... and as painful of a trek that He went through, it still is a day of somber ....celebration....

and Easter, when He rose from the dead is very important, because it showed us that there is a ''thereafter'' that we will transform and go in to...after life on earth is complete. :)

that reminds me, eating egg bread with raisins is another italian tradition around Easter time...Panatone'...yummy!

lOl. panatone and grain pie, my mom makes both of them too, but I don't like either of them. Every year, we get the grain pie, and neither myself nor my brothers ever eat it, but every she makes it because "it wouldn't be easter without it"
I am fixing up a Country ham, and some fixins. My turn to cook for one of my lady friends. She is bringing desert.
THAT might have to wait till after a nap caused by bloat....Or to work up an appetite perhaps. will wait and see.
One thing I have discovered Darla, It works out much better having several older girl friends than it does having several young ones. Much more civilized.
Of course dibs have already been taken for July 4th and Thanksgiving dinners....