Good job Bush...


Well-known member
I must say... I like the way Bush is handeling this.

Bush is embracing change, basically admiting that untill today he was wrong in Iraq and is going to make himself relevant by striking out in a new dircetion.

It should not have taken an election to spark this change but I give him credit!

Politically I think he was smart, he is not a lameduck if he can still fire people and strike out on a new bold initiative in Iraq. He has legitatmatly held the field all day!
Well since he has apparently lost control of Congress, he will have to play the poor little picked on con, beat up by those evil libs in congress. just wait and see.
OH God....

Well since he has apparently lost control of Congress, he will have to play the poor little picked on con, beat up by those evil libs in congress. just wait and see.

grow cit...VN phoney vet self proclaimed...ya are so full of it the room reaks!:eek:
Well if your room reeks well it is not my fault you are the one smelling something ;)
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