Good news for right wingers little girls


Villified User
Torn between a hymen and a hard place

Just as plastic surgeons have long exploited Western culture's twisted views of the female body, they're ramping up business for traditional Muslim women as well. Earlier this week we briefly mentioned Reuters' report on a practice known as "hymenoplasty" -- the sewing up of a woman's hymen to help her pass the various virginity tests some brides must suffer before traditional marriages.
Oh please. This has been going on forever. Back in the 50's women used to do it here. Had one of those beauts in my own family. Just went in for a few stiches so she would be convincing on her wedding night. The modern day version of it, is what my aunt pulled. She decided she had become a "born again virgin" about ten years ago. Maybe less than ten. She didn't get stiched up, but she still insisted she was a virgin again, it was part of some celibicy movement. Don't ask me the details of that, because of course, I was not one of their recruits. All I know is she convinced some poor fool of this, and he married her (another right wing freak) and now they are making each other absolutely miserable in North Carolina. I get reports, but try to stay away.
Oh please. This has been going on forever. Back in the 50's women used to do it here. Had one of those beauts in my own family. Just went in for a few stiches so she would be convincing on her wedding night. The modern day version of it, is what my aunt pulled. She decided she had become a "born again virgin" about ten years ago. Maybe less than ten. She didn't get stiched up, but she still insisted she was a virgin again, it was part of some celibicy movement. Don't ask me the details of that, because of course, I was not one of their recruits. All I know is she convinced some poor fool of this, and he married her (another right wing freak) and now they are making each other absolutely miserable in North Carolina. I get reports, but try to stay away.
I think those movements may be largely self-limiting. They carry their own punishments, as it were.
I think those movements may be largely self-limiting. They carry their own punishments, as it were.

Tell me about it. I will never forget that announcement. It was particulary funny because of her sexual history. I don't want to get into it here, one because Damo doesn't have the bandwidth and two because it would be indelicate. But it was one of the funniest things I had ever heard.
Ahh, well this is the first I had heard of this in my sheltered existence. Was not aware it was SOP for some nuts.
Tell me about it. I will never forget that announcement. It was particulary funny because of her sexual history. I don't want to get into it here, one because Damo doesn't have the bandwidth and two because it would be indelicate. But it was one of the funniest things I had ever heard.

Oh come on!
Oh please. This has been going on forever. Back in the 50's women used to do it here. Had one of those beauts in my own family. Just went in for a few stiches so she would be convincing on her wedding night. The modern day version of it, is what my aunt pulled. She decided she had become a "born again virgin" about ten years ago. Maybe less than ten. She didn't get stiched up, but she still insisted she was a virgin again, it was part of some celibicy movement. Don't ask me the details of that, because of course, I was not one of their recruits. All I know is she convinced some poor fool of this, and he married her (another right wing freak) and now they are making each other absolutely miserable in North Carolina. I get reports, but try to stay away.

LMFAO @ Darla!
I was wondering about the timing of he and Dix dissappearing about the same time.....

Just kidding , but it is curious...