Good NR Article on the Alt-Right

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect

JJ McCullough said:
What both extremes share is a common loathing of America, and American civilization. We know how anti-Americanism manifests on the far left, but the alt-right has never been particularly patriotic, either. They have created an alternate, pseudo-patriotism of their own based on worshiping themselves, and their dogmas, all of which frame the United States of America, by design, as a problem to be solved. They rally behind symbols of America’s foreign enemies, like the German National Socialist Party or Putin’s Russia, and American traitors like the Confederate States of America. Their foreign-policy views are often explicitly Chomskyite, and frame all of the world’s violence and chaos — up to and including 9/11 — as America’s conscious doing.

Pretty much what I've been saying about certain topics, recently, and about others for as long as I've been posting on the interwebs.
nazis and klan dumbfucks are not part of the alt right that i know :pke:

get back 2 me when u have video of the alt right chanting something like this
