Good Parenting

What? I got this off the Rivals mainboard. Seriously, you see kids mean mugging and trying to act tough on Facebook all the time. Like the Uncle said we're not from a family of gangbangers so don't act like one. It's no different than white kids who come from good families in good neighborhoods and try to act like they are hardcore tough guys. No, kid, you are not.

I babysat my niece today so parenting stuff is on the brain. My sister lives in a real nice part of Oakland yet I saw kids leaving school dressed like they are going to be extra's in a gang movie. They tried to give me tough looks when I drove by. I was like WTF?

I'm sure I did some of the stupid stuff I'm complaining about here when I was young but the point being more parents need to step up like this Uncle did and set their kids straight.
What? I got this off the Rivals mainboard. Seriously, you see kids mean mugging and trying to act tough on Facebook all the time.

Pretty difficult to mug someone on facebook.

Like the Uncle said we're not from a family of gangbangers so don't act like one. It's no different than white kids who come from good families in good neighborhoods and try to act like they are hardcore tough guys. No, kid, you are not.

If I tried to act like a tough guy, it would be rather silly.

I babysat my niece today so parenting stuff is on the brain. My sister lives in a real nice part of Oakland yet I saw kids leaving school dressed like they are going to be extra's in a gang movie. They tried to give me tough looks when I drove by. I was like WTF?

I'm sure I did some of the stupid stuff I'm complaining about here when I was young but the point being more parents need to step up like this Uncle did and set their kids straight.

For "acting tough on facebook". Alright.
Pretty difficult to mug someone on facebook.

If I tried to act like a tough guy, it would be rather silly.

For "acting tough on facebook". Alright.

Not mugging silly. Mean-mugging, i.e. trying to look tough. That includes throwing wanna be gang signs with your hands when you live nowhere near a gang area.

It obviously isn't a problem with every kid but I've seen enough photos to know more kids do it then need to. And yes there are kids who do look silly like you said you would or I would as well.

I'm also not talking about beating the crap out of your kids but I'm not against a little whipping with the belt like this kid got.
What if you beat a kid for refusing to join a gang?

Now that would be pretty funny. Sad but funny.

"Look here junior, I'm a third generation gangbanger and you are not going to embarrass this family by not becoming the fourth!"
Now that would be pretty funny. Sad but funny.

"Look here junior, I'm a third generation gangbanger and you are not going to embarrass this family by not becoming the fourth!"

I'd want mine to join the other gang, just to cover all bases. If one of our gangs annihilates the other, my seed is still capable of spreading.
I'd have an easier time believing the uncle if he didn't have all that underwear showing over his pants.

But if thats what it takes to keep your kids out of a gang, so be it.
What? I got this off the Rivals mainboard. Seriously, you see kids mean mugging and trying to act tough on Facebook all the time. Like the Uncle said we're not from a family of gangbangers so don't act like one. It's no different than white kids who come from good families in good neighborhoods and try to act like they are hardcore tough guys. No, kid, you are not.

I babysat my niece today so parenting stuff is on the brain. My sister lives in a real nice part of Oakland yet I saw kids leaving school dressed like they are going to be extra's in a gang movie. They tried to give me tough looks when I drove by. I was like WTF?

I'm sure I did some of the stupid stuff I'm complaining about here when I was young but the point being more parents need to step up like this Uncle did and set their kids straight.

But is it absolutely necessary for a father to use that language? Sort of dilutes the chastisement don't you think?
If my uncle or any other member of a senior generation had used that language to me, I would not have been impressed and certainly would not have taken any 'advice' from him.
Is that normal in your country?
I dont like hitting kids for anything.

Humiliation and physical violence are exactly the behavior this guy is trying to stop from this kid.

I do aprecicate this man is working hard to try and mold this young man for his own good.

I have found kids are MORE awed by time investment. There is NOTHING like the 45 minute lecture.

Now this young man may not have always been in the care of this uncle so this may have been needed to make him understand that he would spank him like his mother/father used to for the point to be driven in.

If you talk to kids until your jaw can not take it anymore they learn SOOO MUCH.

Its hard and very time consuming.

It has to be REAL talk that is centered arround logic and thought.

It has to engauge them so they can not just fade it out.

All the reasons why whatever the behavior was is detrimental to the kid and all of the people concerned.

Indepth and repeted until they KNOW by heart all the reasoning.

MY favorite part is of this eduction style is when two years later they are giving you back the reasoning for something you have explained to them before as if it is a brand new concept to you.

The best response is "good point" and NOT "I told you that two years ago".
But is it absolutely necessary for a father to use that language? Sort of dilutes the chastisement don't you think?
If my uncle or any other member of a senior generation had used that language to me, I would not have been impressed and certainly would not have taken any 'advice' from him.
Is that normal in your country?

Different strokes for different folks. I wouldn't say using language like that is the norm but I also wouldn't say this gentleman is the only one to speak that way.
I dont like hitting kids for anything.

Humiliation and physical violence are exactly the behavior this guy is trying to stop from this kid.

I do aprecicate this man is working hard to try and mold this young man for his own good.

I have found kids are MORE awed by time investment. There is NOTHING like the 45 minute lecture.

There is nothing more tormenting than the 45 minute lecture, true. But until a kid is a teenager they probably don't have the sort of mental capacity to really understand your logic, or morality in any greater sense than "My parents think I'm being good" or "My parents think I'm being bad". They also don't even have a serious understanding of things like death.

My six year old nephew may as well be a random word generator. Every game I play he comes up to me and screams "MARIO! MARIO! MARIO!". One day, I was playing Super Meat Boy and he came up and told me that, and I finally got frustrated, and I opened up an emulator and started playing the original Super Mario Bros. Then, for the first time, he started claiming that I wasn't playing Mario.

Kids are idiots. The biggest down syndrome retard you know is smarter than your brat.

Now this young man may not have always been in the care of this uncle so this may have been needed to make him understand that he would spank him like his mother/father used to for the point to be driven in.

If you talk to kids until your jaw can not take it anymore they learn SOOO MUCH.

Its hard and very time consuming.

It has to be REAL talk that is centered arround logic and thought.

It has to engauge them so they can not just fade it out.

Relevant bits at 6:20. Can't start a video at a specific time in this embedded window.

All the reasons why whatever the behavior was is detrimental to the kid and all of the people concerned.

Indepth and repeted until they KNOW by heart all the reasoning.

MY favorite part is of this eduction style is when two years later they are giving you back the reasoning for something you have explained to them before as if it is a brand new concept to you.

The best response is "good point" and NOT "I told you that two years ago".

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No whipping your kids reminds them that their are consequences when you make mistakes.

Executing child abusers reminds sadistic monsters of nothing, because you'll be dead. I will love killing you. :)

Conservatives abuse their children because they enjoy thinking about other human beings suffering. I cannot kill enough conservatives. :D