APP - Good time to discuss guns


In the wake of the all too frequent attack by muslims in the U.K., I have argued that if the brits had not abdicated their right to self defense they would be more safe.

Predictably the gun grabbers bemoan school shootings to which I maintain that if teachers were properly trained and armed there would be no more school shootings and a teacher would never have to fire a shot. And predictably the gun grabbers clutch their pearls in horror at the notion.

But it really is common sense and I I have empiric evidence to support my claim.

It is argued by gun grabbers that "easy access" to guns is the reason for gun violence.

If that were true, then why have we never seen mass shootings at a gun show? There is a gun show taking place every week of the year in this country and you can't get more easy access to guns than a gun show.

I have never heard of one mass shooting a gun show or a gun store. Why? Because there are guns and purveyors of violence ALWAYS look for soft targets.

There is no more soft a target than a building with a sign that says GUN FREE ZONE