Good Top, Bad Top


Is this your homework?
Sometimes Topspin is a friendly poster and agreeable. Other times he's mean and name calling.

I have a theory. I wonder if there is a correlation between Top board demeanor and the days market performance.

Dow is down 90 points today and Top is grumpy. I mean for him it probably means he lost like 15000 dollars so maybe I can't blame him.
there goes Duhla again
Market is down, I'm eddy cause I'm buying a house today.
I am really trying to educate the dems cause I want us to win. you notice I don't bother much with 90% of republicans.
No your are right on it's a good theory,
down days in the market get me down and up days are great.
But like I said today was spent dealing with agents and bankers, oh and owning duhlas ass.
No your are right on it's a good theory,
down days in the market get me down and up days are great.
But like I said today was spent dealing with agents and bankers, oh and owning duhlas ass.

I can relate. I'm ready to call off my deal. But I'll spare everyone the drama.
I can relate. I'm ready to call off my deal. But I'll spare everyone the drama.

You don't want to tell? I don't find it boring if that's why you're holding back. And boy did that come out conceded or what? Like everyone here is asking themselves "well will this post bore or interest darla" before they post. But, you know what I mean!
I'll post about it later. I'm at work now trying to get our close reporting situated.
Darla, I'm not really wanting to be a spelling nazi, but conceded is a past-tense verb "to concede" I think the word you are looking for is conceited.
Darla, I'm not really wanting to be a spelling nazi, but conceded is a past-tense verb "to concede" I think the word you are looking for is conceited.

You're right. In my defense, I was drunk all day. I was smoking a joint when I wrote that in fact. You don't think I'd be posting here if I was ever sober, do you? ;)

So, I guess you want me to clean your house now?
You're right. In my defense, I was drunk all day. I was smoking a joint when I wrote that in fact. You don't think I'd be posting here if I was ever sober, do you? ;)

So, I guess you want me to clean your house now?
LOL. Heck no! We suck at it, and we kind of like it that way. We live here, the house is not made to display our stuff in a museum-like atmosphere, and our stuff is meant to be used not displayed...

I might beat Darla in an economics quizz, but her cool factor is exponentially higher than mine.

"You're right. In my defense, I was drunk all day. I was smoking a joint when I wrote that in fact. You don't think I'd be posting here if I was ever sober, do you?"

Were do I start, I'm jealous and extermely envious.

Topspin owenage :clink:

Darla 100 spin 0
there goes Duhla again
Market is down, I'm eddy cause I'm buying a house today.
I am really trying to educate the dems cause I want us to win. you notice I don't bother much with 90% of republicans.

Of course you don't bother with the repubs because except for the war you seem to mostly agree with them :D the old true Republicans that is not the neos, not sure what they really are.
I might beat Darla in an economics quizz, but her cool factor is exponentially higher than mine.

"You're right. In my defense, I was drunk all day. I was smoking a joint when I wrote that in fact. You don't think I'd be posting here if I was ever sober, do you?"

Were do I start, I'm jealous and extermely envious.

Topspin owenage :clink:

Darla 100 spin 0

Hmm...what happened Top? The overnight markets took off? There was an Asian boom? ;)
what's wrong with being envious.
So I'm an economics geek,
I'd much rather be free to partake in the Ganja,

Bush's bootlicking Ghestapo has maken sure that even medical science proclaiming it better than asprin still won't allow it.

Didn't even look at the market going down yestarday (freak occurance),
wife and I had to sign about 55 pages on the new house yestardy:shock:
that was just the purchase agreement,
the actual closing I'm sure will be worse,
they may require my first born.:clink: