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There are MANY and OBVIOUS signs out there that Trump and the Radical Right Republicans (the RRRs; AKA the Retrumplicans; AKA Trump’s puppets; AKA Trump’s useful idiots) are preparing to subvert our democracy. For example, state level RRRs are passing “voter suppression” laws (which they call “voter integrity” laws), which are designed to suppress the vote of non-pro-Trump/RRR voters. And they are passing “election subversion” laws designed to allow them (the RRRs) to steal future elections from the non-pro-Trump/RRR voters.
Their plan is to replace our democracy with an autocracy lead by Trump; that is, their plan is to replace our democracy with a “trumpocracy”. There may be a plan to change the name of our nation to the “United States of Trump” (AKA the “UST”). And instead of referring to our nation as “America”, there may be a plan to refer to it as “Trumpistan”. And there may be a plan for a new flag; that is: The stars and stripes with Trump’s orange-yellow profile superimposed over the stars.
What would America be like in a trumpocracy? Here are some possibilities:
> There will be one-party Radical Right Republican rule, with Trump as the Dictator-in-Chief.
> Trump’s regime will include the following people:
>> His family: Ivanka will be VP; Tiffany will be Chief-of-Staff; Melania will be Secretary of the Treasury; Don Junior will be Senate Majority Leader; and Eric will be Speaker of the House.
>> As in Trump’s first regime, Jared Kushner will be in charge of resolving a large number of complex issues that plague mankind, despite the fact that Kushner has no experience with those issues. (Apparently, Trump thinks that Kushner’s experience in real estate is the experience needed to achieve world peace, to end Covid, and to resolve the world’s overpopulation problem.)
>> Celebrities:
* Gary Busey will be Secretary of State; Mike Tyson will be Secretary of Defense.
* From Fox News: Sean Hannity will be Press Secretary; Jeanine Shapiro will be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
* From The Simpsons: Dr. Julius Hibbert will be Surgeon General; Lionel Hutz will be Attorney General.
>> Rudy Giuliani will head a commission to investigate the manufacturer of the hair dye that he used which malfunctioned during that press conference; and to investigate Hunter Biden’s connection to that malfunction.
>> Mike Pence (AKA Trump’s “bobble head” toy) will be Secretary of Toilets. This is because he didn’t obey Trump’s order to steal the presidency from Biden on Jan6. (Unfortunately for Trump, Pence’s head didn’t bobble that day.)
>> The My Pillow Guy will head a propaganda unit. It will be called the “Joseph Goebbels Unit”.
>> Steve Bannon will head a task force to deconstruct the administrative state. One of the goals of this deconstruction effort: To eliminate the institutions designed to make life better for average Americans. (Thus, Bannon’s message to average Americans will be “you’re on your own”.)
> The Democrats will be eliminated from all levels government. (Trump wanted to do this kind of thing when he was “president”. For example: When he incited his pro-him riot at our Capitol on Jan6, the rioters wanted to eliminate Democratic members of our Congress by killing them.)
> The free press will be declared illegal. The only legal “news” sources will be Fox News, and other pro-Trump “news” sources. (Trump wanted to do this kind of thing when he was “president”. For example:
* He often called our free press the “enemies of the people”, in order to create public hatred for them.
* He often called their news reports “fake news”, in order to create public distrust toward them.
* And he was a loyal fan of Fox News. He would often call into Fox News during his many hours of “executive time”; that is, when he was lying in bed, watching TV, and eating cheeseburgers.)
> Every morning:
* We will be required to recite the “Pledge of Allegiance to Trump”. The pledge: “I pledge allegiance to the United States of Trump, one nation under Trump, without liberty, and no justice, for all”.
* After we do the pledge, we’ll be required to watch a video of Trump where he tells us how great he is.
* And then, we’ll be required to watch an episode of the Apprentice.
> We will be required to wear red hats and red T-shirts with pro-Trump slogans. For example:
* For the Big Lie: “The Big Lie Is Not a Lie”; “The REAL Big Lie = Biden Won”; “Trump Won = The Big Truth”.
* For Jan6: “Make Jan6 a National Holiday”; “The Violent Jan6 Riot Was Peaceful”; “Bashing Capitol Cop Heads Is Patriotic”; “It Was Antifa Dressed Like Us”; “We Should Have Hung Mike Pence - We Should Try Again”.
> The US Treasury will be one of Trump’s personal bank accounts. (This kind of thing actually happened when Trump was “president”. That is: Trump ran OUR government like it was HIS family business. For example, he tightly controlled the EPA, the CDC, and other agencies in our government, in order to benefit HIM, instead of the American people.)
> The IRS will be Trump’s personal collection agency. (Hey! If the US Treasury as one of YOUR personal bank accounts, then the collection agency for the US Treasury is YOUR personal collection agency.)
> The Attorney General will be one of Trump’s personal lawyers. (This actually happened when Trump was “president”.)
> Our military will be Trump’s personal police force. Note: This kind of thing nearly happened when Trump was “president”. Trump was open to using our military against non-pro-Trump protesters (e.g., the protesters who opposed the unnecessary deaths on black people). And he was open to using our military to protect pro-Trump protesters (e.g., the Jan6 rioters who pillaged and destroyed OUR property, and who intended to commit murder, while they were trying to steal the election from Biden, and thus subvert our democracy). And after he lost the election to Biden, he was open using our military to declare martial law, and to seize voting machines to allow pro-Trumpers to look for imaginary voter fraud and an imaginary steal.
> Our “houses of God” will become the “houses of Trump”. (The RRRs and Trump’s fans have deified Trump, and they worship him as if he is the “chosen one”.)
> There will be military parades that glorify Trump, similar to the military parades in North Korea and Nazi Germany. (Trump actually wanted these kinds of parades when he was “president”.)
> The EPA (AKA the Environmental Protection Agency) will become the “Environment Pollution Agency” dedicated to protecting polluters. (This actually happened when Trump was “president”.)
> The general rule for public messages from the FDA and CDC will be: Trump’s needs will trump our needs. That is: Making Trump look good will be more important than keeping us safe. (This actually happened when Trump was “president”.)
> County government officials will be replaced by “county warlords”. County warlords will be members of pro-Trump hate-groups. The warlords will have dictatorial control over our lives. (This kind of thing is actually happening now. For example, members of pro-Trump hate-groups are infiltrating our local school boards in order to help Trump and the RRRs subvert our democracy.)
> Instead of a being lead by a “governor”, each state will be lead by a “master warlord”. A master warlord will be a Trump-sycophant, who will bow down to him any time Trump snaps his tiny little fingers. The master warlords will include: Crazy Kevin McCarthy (AKA Kevin Coup Coup McCarthy); Gas Mask Gaetz (AKA Goofy Gaetz); Greg Pro-Vigilante Abbott (AKA Greg Anti-Woman Abbott); Jim the Jerk Jordan; Josh Heil Hitler Hawley; Lame Louie Gohmert; Lauren Palin-Wannbe Boebert; Marjory Tyrant Greene (AKA the QAnon Queen); Moscow Mitch; RonAnon Johnson; and Ron Mini-Trump DeSantis (AKA Ron Pro-Covid DeSantis, AKA Ron DeathSantis). (All of the people on this list will make excellent master warlords. They are all Trump-chumps who would blindly follow him off a cliff, and they all have anti-democracy tendencies.)
> QAnon will conduct witch trials in order to punish people “guilty” of the crimes that they (QAnon) have falsely accused them of. And when they’re not conducting witch trials, they’ll be in Dallas waiting for JFK Junior.
> People who love democracy will be hunted down by vigilantes, officially deemed “enemies of the people”, and sent to re-education camps where they will be taught that democracy is bad and that trumpocracy is good. (This kind of thing actually happened when Trump was “president”. For example, he required the people in our government be loyal to him instead of the Constitution. And if they were loyal to the Constitution instead of him, he would fire them.)
> Scientists, and people who believe in science, will be hunted down by vigilantes, officially deemed “enemies of the people”, and sent to re-education camps where they will be taught that REAL science is not REAL science, and that “Trump/RRR-approved science” is REAL science. (This kind of thing is actually happening in the Trump/RRR world. Many of them view REAL science as pseudo-science, and pseudo-science as REAL science. In the Biden/Democrat world, REAL science is viewed as REAL science, and pseudo-science is viewed as pseudo-science.)
> There will be a pro-Covid crusade. That is:
* The RRRs at all levels of government will pass more pro-Covid laws. And they will repeal all of the anti-Covid laws; for example: mask and vaccine requirements. (The NUMBERS show that these are two of the MOST effective ways to combat Covid.)
* As a result of that crusade, Covid will resurge and then run rampant. And then, we will have a Covid SUPER-mess to clean-up.
* And then, the RRRs will blame Biden for the problems that they (the RRRs) caused.
Note: As we ALL know, this kind of thing is now happening in real life. The “know-nothing know-it-all” Radical Right Republicans (e.g., DeSantis in Florida) have been conducting a pro-Covid crusade, while Covid is resurging and running rampant. Because the “unvaccinated” are a breeding ground for new Covid variants, and because new variants can cause a surge in new Covid cases, many have called this resurgence the “pandemic of the unvaccinated”. (The “know-nothing know-it-all anti-science pro-Covid” crusaders like to say that they are pro-life, even though their Covid policies are pro-death policies. Go figure!)
This list could be longer, but I’m going to stop now.
Unfortunately for us who love democracy, Trump and the Radical Right Republicans are making SIGNIFICANT progress with their efforts to replace our democracy with a trumpocracy. And if they are successful, Steve Bannon is planning to unleash hordes of heavily armed pro-Trumpers on the American people, in order to enforce Trump’s dictatorial rule.
Hopefully, the pro-democracy forces in our country will be able to peacefully stop Trump and the Radical Right Republicans. Let’s hope that Biden and the Congressional Democrats (i.e., the party of democracy) will soon be able to pass those two “voting rights” bills that the Congressional Radical Right Republicans (i.e., the party of autocracy) have been blocking for many months now.
As the best-selling book entitled “Everything Trump Touches Dies” suggests, if Trump gets his way, it will be:
Goodbye democracy, RIP.
Their plan is to replace our democracy with an autocracy lead by Trump; that is, their plan is to replace our democracy with a “trumpocracy”. There may be a plan to change the name of our nation to the “United States of Trump” (AKA the “UST”). And instead of referring to our nation as “America”, there may be a plan to refer to it as “Trumpistan”. And there may be a plan for a new flag; that is: The stars and stripes with Trump’s orange-yellow profile superimposed over the stars.
What would America be like in a trumpocracy? Here are some possibilities:
> There will be one-party Radical Right Republican rule, with Trump as the Dictator-in-Chief.
> Trump’s regime will include the following people:
>> His family: Ivanka will be VP; Tiffany will be Chief-of-Staff; Melania will be Secretary of the Treasury; Don Junior will be Senate Majority Leader; and Eric will be Speaker of the House.
>> As in Trump’s first regime, Jared Kushner will be in charge of resolving a large number of complex issues that plague mankind, despite the fact that Kushner has no experience with those issues. (Apparently, Trump thinks that Kushner’s experience in real estate is the experience needed to achieve world peace, to end Covid, and to resolve the world’s overpopulation problem.)
>> Celebrities:
* Gary Busey will be Secretary of State; Mike Tyson will be Secretary of Defense.
* From Fox News: Sean Hannity will be Press Secretary; Jeanine Shapiro will be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
* From The Simpsons: Dr. Julius Hibbert will be Surgeon General; Lionel Hutz will be Attorney General.
>> Rudy Giuliani will head a commission to investigate the manufacturer of the hair dye that he used which malfunctioned during that press conference; and to investigate Hunter Biden’s connection to that malfunction.
>> Mike Pence (AKA Trump’s “bobble head” toy) will be Secretary of Toilets. This is because he didn’t obey Trump’s order to steal the presidency from Biden on Jan6. (Unfortunately for Trump, Pence’s head didn’t bobble that day.)
>> The My Pillow Guy will head a propaganda unit. It will be called the “Joseph Goebbels Unit”.
>> Steve Bannon will head a task force to deconstruct the administrative state. One of the goals of this deconstruction effort: To eliminate the institutions designed to make life better for average Americans. (Thus, Bannon’s message to average Americans will be “you’re on your own”.)
> The Democrats will be eliminated from all levels government. (Trump wanted to do this kind of thing when he was “president”. For example: When he incited his pro-him riot at our Capitol on Jan6, the rioters wanted to eliminate Democratic members of our Congress by killing them.)
> The free press will be declared illegal. The only legal “news” sources will be Fox News, and other pro-Trump “news” sources. (Trump wanted to do this kind of thing when he was “president”. For example:
* He often called our free press the “enemies of the people”, in order to create public hatred for them.
* He often called their news reports “fake news”, in order to create public distrust toward them.
* And he was a loyal fan of Fox News. He would often call into Fox News during his many hours of “executive time”; that is, when he was lying in bed, watching TV, and eating cheeseburgers.)
> Every morning:
* We will be required to recite the “Pledge of Allegiance to Trump”. The pledge: “I pledge allegiance to the United States of Trump, one nation under Trump, without liberty, and no justice, for all”.
* After we do the pledge, we’ll be required to watch a video of Trump where he tells us how great he is.
* And then, we’ll be required to watch an episode of the Apprentice.
> We will be required to wear red hats and red T-shirts with pro-Trump slogans. For example:
* For the Big Lie: “The Big Lie Is Not a Lie”; “The REAL Big Lie = Biden Won”; “Trump Won = The Big Truth”.
* For Jan6: “Make Jan6 a National Holiday”; “The Violent Jan6 Riot Was Peaceful”; “Bashing Capitol Cop Heads Is Patriotic”; “It Was Antifa Dressed Like Us”; “We Should Have Hung Mike Pence - We Should Try Again”.
> The US Treasury will be one of Trump’s personal bank accounts. (This kind of thing actually happened when Trump was “president”. That is: Trump ran OUR government like it was HIS family business. For example, he tightly controlled the EPA, the CDC, and other agencies in our government, in order to benefit HIM, instead of the American people.)
> The IRS will be Trump’s personal collection agency. (Hey! If the US Treasury as one of YOUR personal bank accounts, then the collection agency for the US Treasury is YOUR personal collection agency.)
> The Attorney General will be one of Trump’s personal lawyers. (This actually happened when Trump was “president”.)
> Our military will be Trump’s personal police force. Note: This kind of thing nearly happened when Trump was “president”. Trump was open to using our military against non-pro-Trump protesters (e.g., the protesters who opposed the unnecessary deaths on black people). And he was open to using our military to protect pro-Trump protesters (e.g., the Jan6 rioters who pillaged and destroyed OUR property, and who intended to commit murder, while they were trying to steal the election from Biden, and thus subvert our democracy). And after he lost the election to Biden, he was open using our military to declare martial law, and to seize voting machines to allow pro-Trumpers to look for imaginary voter fraud and an imaginary steal.
> Our “houses of God” will become the “houses of Trump”. (The RRRs and Trump’s fans have deified Trump, and they worship him as if he is the “chosen one”.)
> There will be military parades that glorify Trump, similar to the military parades in North Korea and Nazi Germany. (Trump actually wanted these kinds of parades when he was “president”.)
> The EPA (AKA the Environmental Protection Agency) will become the “Environment Pollution Agency” dedicated to protecting polluters. (This actually happened when Trump was “president”.)
> The general rule for public messages from the FDA and CDC will be: Trump’s needs will trump our needs. That is: Making Trump look good will be more important than keeping us safe. (This actually happened when Trump was “president”.)
> County government officials will be replaced by “county warlords”. County warlords will be members of pro-Trump hate-groups. The warlords will have dictatorial control over our lives. (This kind of thing is actually happening now. For example, members of pro-Trump hate-groups are infiltrating our local school boards in order to help Trump and the RRRs subvert our democracy.)
> Instead of a being lead by a “governor”, each state will be lead by a “master warlord”. A master warlord will be a Trump-sycophant, who will bow down to him any time Trump snaps his tiny little fingers. The master warlords will include: Crazy Kevin McCarthy (AKA Kevin Coup Coup McCarthy); Gas Mask Gaetz (AKA Goofy Gaetz); Greg Pro-Vigilante Abbott (AKA Greg Anti-Woman Abbott); Jim the Jerk Jordan; Josh Heil Hitler Hawley; Lame Louie Gohmert; Lauren Palin-Wannbe Boebert; Marjory Tyrant Greene (AKA the QAnon Queen); Moscow Mitch; RonAnon Johnson; and Ron Mini-Trump DeSantis (AKA Ron Pro-Covid DeSantis, AKA Ron DeathSantis). (All of the people on this list will make excellent master warlords. They are all Trump-chumps who would blindly follow him off a cliff, and they all have anti-democracy tendencies.)
> QAnon will conduct witch trials in order to punish people “guilty” of the crimes that they (QAnon) have falsely accused them of. And when they’re not conducting witch trials, they’ll be in Dallas waiting for JFK Junior.
> People who love democracy will be hunted down by vigilantes, officially deemed “enemies of the people”, and sent to re-education camps where they will be taught that democracy is bad and that trumpocracy is good. (This kind of thing actually happened when Trump was “president”. For example, he required the people in our government be loyal to him instead of the Constitution. And if they were loyal to the Constitution instead of him, he would fire them.)
> Scientists, and people who believe in science, will be hunted down by vigilantes, officially deemed “enemies of the people”, and sent to re-education camps where they will be taught that REAL science is not REAL science, and that “Trump/RRR-approved science” is REAL science. (This kind of thing is actually happening in the Trump/RRR world. Many of them view REAL science as pseudo-science, and pseudo-science as REAL science. In the Biden/Democrat world, REAL science is viewed as REAL science, and pseudo-science is viewed as pseudo-science.)
> There will be a pro-Covid crusade. That is:
* The RRRs at all levels of government will pass more pro-Covid laws. And they will repeal all of the anti-Covid laws; for example: mask and vaccine requirements. (The NUMBERS show that these are two of the MOST effective ways to combat Covid.)
* As a result of that crusade, Covid will resurge and then run rampant. And then, we will have a Covid SUPER-mess to clean-up.
* And then, the RRRs will blame Biden for the problems that they (the RRRs) caused.
Note: As we ALL know, this kind of thing is now happening in real life. The “know-nothing know-it-all” Radical Right Republicans (e.g., DeSantis in Florida) have been conducting a pro-Covid crusade, while Covid is resurging and running rampant. Because the “unvaccinated” are a breeding ground for new Covid variants, and because new variants can cause a surge in new Covid cases, many have called this resurgence the “pandemic of the unvaccinated”. (The “know-nothing know-it-all anti-science pro-Covid” crusaders like to say that they are pro-life, even though their Covid policies are pro-death policies. Go figure!)
This list could be longer, but I’m going to stop now.
Unfortunately for us who love democracy, Trump and the Radical Right Republicans are making SIGNIFICANT progress with their efforts to replace our democracy with a trumpocracy. And if they are successful, Steve Bannon is planning to unleash hordes of heavily armed pro-Trumpers on the American people, in order to enforce Trump’s dictatorial rule.
Hopefully, the pro-democracy forces in our country will be able to peacefully stop Trump and the Radical Right Republicans. Let’s hope that Biden and the Congressional Democrats (i.e., the party of democracy) will soon be able to pass those two “voting rights” bills that the Congressional Radical Right Republicans (i.e., the party of autocracy) have been blocking for many months now.
As the best-selling book entitled “Everything Trump Touches Dies” suggests, if Trump gets his way, it will be:
Goodbye democracy, RIP.