Among the questions that need answering:
Pat Buchanan puts forth eight questions the public is sick of hearing because they always knew the answers. Not one of Pat’s questions asks about Hillary Clinton:
If, after two years, Mueller found “insufficient evidence” of collusion by Trump, what was the compelling evidence that justified launching the investigation of collusion during the Obama era?
Did that earlier “evidence” turn out to be false allegations and lies?
When did Mueller discover that George Papadopoulos and Carter Page were not agents of the GRU or KGB?
When did Mueller decide there was no collusion or conspiracy?
Was it not until this spring? Or has Mueller known for a good while there was no conspiracy?
I disagree with the one answer Pat offers:
Why are these questions important? Because the investigation itself, leaving as it did a cloud over the legitimacy of the president, was damaging not only to Trump but also to the nation. As long as half the country believed Trump was an agent or asset or blackmail victim of Putin, the nation could not come together.
Television, and television coverage alone, are responsible for the Democrat Party destroying this country, yet not a word about the entire federal government and their media stooges covering up for Hillary Clinton.
Did Mueller feel no obligation to clear up that false impression as swiftly and fully as possible, if, indeed, he believes it is false?
To this day 3 out of 4 television’s mouth defend Mueller and everything he stands for, while it is easier to find a pearl in canned oysters than it is finding one network that will report the truth 24-7 the same way they report on President Trump: