Google buys Microsoft

sudo apt-get update&&apt-get dist-upgrade

What they don't show is the person pulling their hair out after actually attempting to use Linux.

You really don't know what you're talking about, not that it has ever stopped you in the past. Linux Mint works out of the box as all the codecs and restricted extras are already loaded. This means that DVDs, Flash etc. all work without any tweaking. It is so easy a six year old could install it although you might have problems. It is very worrying that someone who is still at Uni already has such a closed mind.
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You really don't know what you're talking about, not that it has ever stopped you in the past. Linux Mint works out of the box as all the codecs and restricted extras are already loaded. This means that DVDs, Flash etc. all work without any tweaking. It is so easy a six year old could install it although you might have problems. It is very worrying that someone who is still at Uni already has such a closed mind.

Linux Mint was one of the versions of Linux I used.
Linux is the worst operating system possible. It's unusable except by techie bitches who think it makes them look cool, and suffer through it.
Linux is the worst operating system possible. It's unusable except by techie bitches who think it makes them look cool, and suffer through it.

Well evidently you haven't the intelligence of a six year old and you are confusing your mental failings with Linux alleged shortcomings. I think it's better that you stick with Windoze.
Well evidently you haven't the intelligence of a six year old and you are confusing your mental failings with Linux alleged shortcomings. I think it's better that you stick with Windoze.

You're stuck using the worst operating system possible because it makes you think you look cool. You're just angry because I've alerted you to the fact that the emperor has no clothes.
You're stuck using the worst operating system possible because it makes you think you look cool. You're just angry because I've alerted you to the fact that the emperor has no clothes.

Man, I have tried to like you as there are so many on here who evidently do not but you just don't make it easy. You seem intent on demonstrating your ignorance and stupidity for all and sundry, which is astounding as you say you're a maths undergraduate. So I would have thought that you had some command of technical matters yet seemingly not. I think your main trouble is that you confuse user friendliness with user familiarity, they are not the same thing.

Anyway, I'm going out now so have a nice day.
You're stuck using the worst operating system possible because it makes you think you look cool. You're just angry because I've alerted you to the fact that the emperor has no clothes.

that story would have been a lot more interesting if it had been about the empress....
You're stuck using the worst operating system possible because it makes you think you look cool. You're just angry because I've alerted you to the fact that the emperor has no clothes.

The oddest thing is that you espouse to be a socialist yet cannot understand the philosophy behind open software. How is it possible to claim those credentials, whilst not understanding that Linux, Mozilla etc. are the very antithesis of your credo?

It seems to me that you are at heart a supporter of large heartless uncaring corporations such as Microsoft whose only goal is to dominate and control. I would be interested to know how you justify such a strange attitude?
Man, I have tried to like you as there are so many on here who evidently do not but you just don't make it easy. You seem intent on demonstrating your ignorance and stupidity for all and sundry, which is astounding as you say you're a maths undergraduate. So I would have thought that you had some command of technical matters yet seemingly not. I think your main trouble is that you confuse user friendliness with user familiarity, they are not the same thing.

Anyway, I'm going out now so have a nice day.

If you ever want to get on a linux fanboys bad side, insult linux.
The oddest thing is that you espouse to be a socialist yet cannot understand the philosophy behind open software. How is it possible to claim those credentials, whilst not understanding that Linux, Mozilla etc. are the very antithesis of your credo?

It seems to me that you are at heart a supporter of large heartless uncaring corporations such as Microsoft whose only goal is to dominate and control. I would be interested to know how you justify such a strange attitude?

Obviously you don't have an answer, how surprising. By the way, even Microsoft don't see a long term future for Windoze.
Obviously you don't have an answer, how surprising. By the way, even Microsoft don't see a long term future for Windoze.

you do realize the difference in microsoft creating a whole new platform and mac os x don't you? millions of users and businesses. mac was able to do it but their users had to buy all new apps, i can't imagine the nightmare if microsoft were to do that.

they need to do it gradually. you're really not being objective or truly understanding the scope of what windows has to deal with.
you do realize the difference in microsoft creating a whole new platform and mac os x don't you? millions of users and businesses. mac was able to do it but their users had to buy all new apps, i can't imagine the nightmare if microsoft were to do that.

they need to do it gradually. you're really not being objective or truly understanding the scope of what windows has to deal with.

I have just one word to say to you; virtualisation.

Quoting from the New York Times article.

In some crucial ways, however, Microsoft would enjoy advantages in developing its own “Windows OS X,” as we might call it, that Apple did not: the power of today’s quad-core machines and sophisticated virtualization software would allow older software applications and hardware peripherals to be used indefinitely with little or no performance penalty, making a clean start far easier for customers to accept.
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