Google Chrome extension replaces all mentions of ‘Mitch McConnell’ with ‘Moscow Mitch

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
A new Google Chrome browser extension will have you seeing "Moscow Mitch" whenever you look up Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on the internet. :laugh:

McConnell was given the nickname "Moscow Mitch" in July after receiving heavy criticism for objections to a House measure strengthening election security. Last week McConnell announced that he would back an appropriations amendment giving states $250 million to boost their election security.

The U.S. Senate majority leader has not taken kindly to this nickname. In late July, he went on a tirade on the Senate floor, calling out media outlets for "modern-day McCarthyism." McConnell doubled down on his attack of the nickname earlier this month, saying that it is an "over the top" smear on his career.:laugh:
It seems fair. The bastion of right-wing obstruction and corruption has destroyed any respect he thinks he deserves. He epitomizes what is wrong with the righty sycophants.
I end your “ discussions “.

You are not capable. The Moscow Mitch thing is an amusing diversion. Moscow has been hiding out since Trump was elected, hoping Trump's disaster does not take him down with the admin. Moscow is worried as hell. He should be.
A new Google Chrome browser extension will have you seeing "Moscow Mitch" whenever you look up Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on the internet. :laugh:

McConnell was given the nickname "Moscow Mitch" in July after receiving heavy criticism for objections to a House measure strengthening election security. Last week McConnell announced that he would back an appropriations amendment giving states $250 million to boost their election security.

The U.S. Senate majority leader has not taken kindly to this nickname. In late July, he went on a tirade on the Senate floor, calling out media outlets for "modern-day McCarthyism." McConnell doubled down on his attack of the nickname earlier this month, saying that it is an "over the top" smear on his career.:laugh:

it will be on his tomb stone