Google removes popular negative searches related to Islam (but not other religions)


Islam is being used to subjugate america. We're importing terrorists through every orifice and the nation of islam is creating jihadists in our jails.


I was being sarcastic. I think it is weak that they would do that though. Amazingly weak.

I haven't tried Yahoo in a while but I try most of the new ones that come along. I can nearly always find what I'm looking for with Google and almost never with the others.

It sucks that Google is the best and they are using that to fulfill a political agenda. Since its a liberal, politically correct agenda though nothing will ever be done about it.
i don't know why it does it with "is"...but if you type in islam and "e" google works as normal....further, if you type in "islamic is" google works as normal....i don't think they did this on purpose
I remember when Yahoo was the shit. I still go there for movie information, but Yahoo was the most awesome site in the 90s. Then Google came along in 1998, although I never even heard of it for like 2 years after the fact.
When google did their first test runs, they had some people come in to use the sites. They typed in the URL and went to the site, the site loaded, and then they just sat there staring at the screen for over a minute. Finally someone came over and asked them what was wrong, and they said "we're waiting for the rest of it to come up".
I always get a kick of how few graphics and text Gooooooooogle runs on its home page. Every other site is covered in ads, graphics, text, links, etc., but Google is naked as a jaybird.

I remember learning to use all sorts of search engines such as Yahoo, Lycos, E Library, Ask (we were so cruel to Jeeves, asking him if he was gay or not), Webcrawler, and so forth...
