APP - GOP has 4 extra seats in the United States Senate


Former Vice President
I know that despondent lefties are banking on Chucky Schumer to fall in love with the filibuster now that they have been decimated in the 2016 elections, however there are four democrats (maybe more) who will be very motivated to work with President Trump and the GOP House and here is why.

This election was the democrat party's best chance at taking back seats and getting a majority in the US Senate. However, they only lost one seat.

Fast forward to 2018 where the convention wisdom holds that the incumbent party loses seats, the democrat party is defending 24 seats in the US Senate vs the GOP defending only 8. Consider also that many of the most vulnerable democrats are in states that overwhelmingly voted for President Trump in the 2016 election.

I will rank them in order

Joe Manchin, WV - Trump +42
Heidi Heitkamp, ND - Trump +36
Jon Tester, MT - Trump +21
Joe Donnelly, IN - Trump +19

These four will be highly motivated to not be seen obstructing President Trump. In fact Joe Manchin was one of the first to break with the democrat party by coming out strongly against Harry Reid

Two interesting incumbents are Sherrod Brown, OH Trump +9 and Clair McCaskill, MO Trump +19. While they both are in states overwhelmingly won by Trump, they are definite left wing partisans and I don't seem them breaking much from the democrat party. They may break on trade deals as their states have been ravaged by globalist BS trade deals.

We will see