People are being driven to the Dems by the GOP
Yea then how comes all three branches of the Federal Government are dominated by Republicans as well as most States Governors and State Houses?
Because they were elected last year?
People are being driven to the Dems by the GOP
Democrats hold a whopping 48-point lead in congressional preference among voters ages 18-34 (69 percent to 21 percent)
by cheating
yes and it destroys democracy
I know a 25 year old who doesn't even really follow politics, but is pissed and fully aware of Republican efforts to change the internet as we know it, on behalf of their corporate clients.
Wasn't it introduced into American politics by a DEMOCRAT, and don't DEMOCRATS still employ it today, skank?
at that time the republicans were the democratic party asshole it was the same party
yes and it destroys democracy
I have been hearing this shit from liberals for decades and the GOP is still going strong.
There is no GOP.
Damn that dino is daft. What liberals does he possibly hear anyway? It's probably because he watches biased swill news, and their "liberal" fresh mea... Oops. I mean commentators. I haven't heard liberals say this till the tea party started in, and all the division started. It makes sense though, because those absorbed into pride will often deliver their own demise.