GOP Mega-Donor Schwarzman Will Back ‘New Generation’ Over Trump

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
(Bloomberg) -- Blackstone Inc. Chief Executive Officer and Republican mega-donor Stephen Schwarzman won’t be backing former President Donald Trump’s bid for a return to the White House, saying it is time for the party to move on.

"America does better when its leaders are rooted in today and tomorrow, not today and yesterday,” Schwarzman said in a statement. “It is time for the Republican Party to turn to a new generation of leaders and I intend to support one of them in the presidential primaries.”

Schwarzman’s defection from Trump, reported earlier by Axios, marks the second time in recent days a major GOP donor has said publicly they will not be giving to Trump’s 2024 effort.

Citadel’s billionaire founder, Ken Griffin, who said last week he was supporting Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis, Tuesday called Donald Trump a “three-time loser” who should not run again.
Here's the problem.
A young republican is still a republican.

I can't imagine why there are any young republicans, but there still appear to be.

Given the republican attitude toward medicare and social security, I can't imagine why there are any old republicans either.

We have a serious mental health problem in this country.
The Republicans can’t continue to gerrymander their way into relevance for much longer. One day soon, even the sketchiest gerrymandering won't be able to make use of their scarce base.
Trump can’t win anything without Murdoch licking his ass and promoting him

He’s lost Murdoch

He’s toast
The Republicans can’t continue to gerrymander their way into relevance for much longer. One day soon, even the sketchiest gerrymandering won't be able to make use of their scarce base.

They have voter repression working for them.