GOP Rep. Curtis: 'Extremist' voices setting the tone for party on climate

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Republican Rep. John Curtis on Tuesday pushed his party to articulate a positive vision on climate policy, lamenting that GOP rhetoric on the issue is too often dominated by "extremist" voices within the party.

The chair of the House’s Conservative Climate Caucus, Curtis said that while climate change denialists are a slim faction of Republicans overall, they have often drowned out people like him.

“In many ways our silence has been interpreted as not caring and denying the science. And I won't argue that some of my colleagues fall into that category, but there are very few," the Utah congressman said. Republicans, he added, "have allowed that extremist voice to kind of dominate the narrative" and paint the entire party as climate change skeptics or outright deniers.

But the devastation wrought by prolonged bouts of extreme weather in recent years has elevated conservatives’ attention to the issue and fostered a receptiveness that was harder to come by previously, Curtis said.