GOP Takes House. Will they impeach Pedodent biden over his child molesting??

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
I hope so though the GOP doesn't have the 67 votes it would take to get a conviction in the senate. STill it would force the dems to openly support a proven pedophile president.

I don't understand why repubs haven't talked about this the last few years. Hell - make that the last 14 years since Pedo Joe became VP. We have video proof!!! Cuomo was forced to resign over mere ALLEGATIONS of misconduct with GROWN women!!
If they're going that route, they should dive into Bagman's computer and business dealings. I for one, would expect the FBI to tell Congress in such an investigation they can't find Bagman's computer now or that it's been corrupted like the whole Biden family...
If they're going that route, they should dive into Bagman's computer and business dealings. I for one, would expect the FBI to tell Congress in such an investigation they can't find Bagman's computer now or that it's been corrupted like the whole Biden family...

They can't do that with the vids of biden molesting little girls. They can't say "we lost the evidence". It's all over the internet.
I hope so though the GOP doesn't have the 67 votes it would take to get a conviction in the senate. STill it would force the dems to openly support a proven pedophile president.

No. I honestly don't think there's enough agreement within the fractured House to impeach anyone. McCarthy's going to have his hands full trying to control the MAGA Nazis.
HAHAHA. We got the vids of biden molesting little girls, you moron tranny. You know it as well as i.

So why won't the GOP talk about it? They're probably guilty too.

If you call what Biden is shown doing, (as publicly as anything could be done I might add), "molesting", then you are just proving that YOU are the pervert.

Yes, it's odd looking for him to be so "hands-y" with these girls and the hair sniffing thing is also weird, but it doesn't rise to anywhere near the stratospheric level of criminal behavior that the politically opportunistic hacks on the right are trying to raise it to.

His hands were never placed anywhere but their shoulders, ergo that does not amount to molestation.

Even though in your dirty little mind you wish it did.
No. I honestly don't think there's enough agreement within the fractured House to impeach anyone. McCarthy's going to have his hands full trying to control the MAGA Nazis.

Not only that, but the non-MAGAdiot segment of the population is sick of all the drama and rabid extremism out of the right.

If they're seen as too focused on playing political games and not focused on their legislative responsibility, they're not going to have much longer to enjoy their razor thin majority status.
They are certainly going to try to impeach Biden, and Harris, and Fauci, and Garland, and Pelosi, plus any and every Democrat little Jimmy Jordan can think of

Point being, it doesn’t matter if they actually impeach anyone, they are going to pull out the playbook from 2015, use hearings and investigations to plant and echo every innuendo they can frame. The goal, as is was in 2015, is to create a portrait of Biden and all Democrats as corrupt. It’s already scripted, corruption was a big theme of Trump’s coming out speech last night, his House stooges will just initiate the other chapter, with the right wing media following suit
Not only that, but the non-MAGAdiot segment of the population is sick of all the drama and rabid extremism out of the right.

If they're seen as too focused on playing political games and not focused on their legislative responsibility, they're not going to have much longer to enjoy their razor thin majority status.

Poor Kevin's going to have trouble finding anything all the cucks in the GOP caucus agree to. It wouldn't happen to a better spineless jellyfish.
There is not a single Republican lawmaker who is making the fucking moronic accusations that come from TDAK daily. So of course they won't. One of THE dumbest questions ever posed, anywhere.
I hope so though the GOP doesn't have the 67 votes it would take to get a conviction in the senate. STill it would force the dems to openly support a proven pedophile president.

Even most (sane) Republicans would not vote to impeach for a silly claim like this. It is hard to impeach a president for being creepy. However, a few election deniers did get elected and some of them might vote for this.

I seriously doubt they could even find a Republican to introduce articles of impeachment with pedophilia as the charge. The Republican Party would get a crazier reputation than they already have.
There is not a single Republican lawmaker who is making the fucking moronic accusations that come from TDAK daily. So of course they won't. One of THE dumbest questions ever posed, anywhere.

Ah, I don’t know about that, if one were to examine the social media offerings from say Green, Gaetz, Louie, or Bohert, I think you might find something similar
Ah, I don’t know about that, if one were to examine the social media offerings from say Green, Gaetz, Louie, or Bohert, I think you might find something similar

You mean the group that may end up indicted for 1/6. Good point. It's single digits at best. I actually don't think they will impeach Biden at all. Unless the see Trump gaining steam and feel like they have to kiss the ring.
I hope so though the GOP doesn't have the 67 votes it would take to get a conviction in the senate. STill it would force the dems to openly support a proven pedophile president.

Yeah, I kinda hope they go as bat-shit crazy as their bat-shit crazy fans want them to go. Upstanding, intelligent, moral people like MTG, Matt Gaetz, and Lauren Boebert should force the issue.

You guys are so fucked it is almost funny. Unfortunately, all of you bat-shit fucking crazy assholes will take our nation down trying to get "revenge"...or whatever will satisfy your childishness.

Go ahead. Totally destroy your party...and the disgusting American conservative movement along with it. You will finally be doing your country a good deed.
Yeah, I kinda hope they go as bat-shit crazy as their bat-shit crazy fans want them to go. Upstanding, intelligent, moral people like MTG, Matt Gaetz, and Lauren Boebert should force the issue.

You guys are so fucked it is almost funny. Unfortunately, all of you bat-shit fucking crazy assholes will take our nation down trying to get "revenge"...or whatever will satisfy your childishness.

Go ahead. Totally destroy your party...and the disgusting American conservative movement along with it. You will finally be doing your country a good deed.

