GOP terrorism ad sparks Democratic furor


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Republicans took a page from President Johnson's Cold War-era presidential campaign with an advertisement set to air this weekend called "The Stakes," which prominently features al Qaeda leaders threatening to kill Americans. </img>

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You would think the Dems would have no problem with that doesn't even mention them....all it shows is OBL threatening the American people....
It is just an intelligence check on the American people to see how long they will be duped by the dopes.
Isn't it funny that the only time the Republicans have actually been able to find bin Laden is right before an election and then it is only to use him as a fear generator in campaign ads. The rest of the time he doesn't even exist. Maybe this is the real reason why they haven't been able to capture him and bring him in; he is worth more to them free than he is "Dead or Alive."

How fucking stupid do these Administration buffoons think we are??????????
Well we did re-elect Bush. No me personally of course, but we as Americans.
So they already know we are pretty stupid.
"And, again, I don't know where [bin Laden] is. I -- I'll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him." George Bush at Press Conference March 13, 2002.
how long will we allow ourlselves to be misled by fear?

How long will we allow our leaders to frighten us before we rise up and reclaim our heroic heritage?
I dunno Maine, the masses are pretty easially programmed by the vidiot screen.
True, dat. And, after a while, it becomes foolish to blame people for simply being people.

They know how people will react and they exploit it. That's called fraud, at the very least, I think.