GOP women warn of eroding support among female voters

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
A growing number of Republican women are sounding the alarm about continuing loss of support for President Trump and the GOP among female voters ahead of the November election, warning that the party is in danger of permanently alienating women if it doesn’t change course.

Trump’s flailing response to the coronavirus pandemic and his move to inflame nationwide racial tensions are exacerbating an already precarious situation, according to interviews with female Republican lawmakers and GOP pollsters focused on female voters.

Women now favor presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden by an eye-popping 23 percentage points
A growing number of Republican women are sounding the alarm about continuing loss of support for President Trump and the GOP among female voters ahead of the November election, warning that the party is in danger of permanently alienating women if it doesn’t change course.

Trump’s flailing response to the coronavirus pandemic and his move to inflame nationwide racial tensions are exacerbating an already precarious situation, according to interviews with female Republican lawmakers and GOP pollsters focused on female voters.

Women now favor presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden by an eye-popping 23 percentage points


gua·no | \ ˈgwä-(ˌ)nō
: a fertilizer containing the accumulated excrement of seabirds or bats broadly : excrement especially of seabirds or bats
A growing number of Republican women are sounding the alarm about continuing loss of support for President Trump and the GOP among female voters ahead of the November election, warning that the party is in danger of permanently alienating women if it doesn’t change course.

Trump’s flailing response to the coronavirus pandemic and his move to inflame nationwide racial tensions are exacerbating an already precarious situation, according to interviews with female Republican lawmakers and GOP pollsters focused on female voters.

Women now favor presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden by an eye-popping 23 percentage points

It's common for women to lean Democratic, but I can see how Trump would be a very polarizing personality for all women.

A key factor will be whether or not Trump is polarizing enough for more women to vote. About 40% of American citizens eligible to vote don't. I'm guessing about half are women. Tap that! <---no pun intended....mostly.
A common Alt-Right view is that women shouldn't be allowed to vote, since they usually vote Democrat. The Right probably has a better shot of stopping women from voting than they do getting chicks to vote Republican.