Gotta admit... Dixie was right.


Staff member
The SCOTUS ruled the late-term abortion law to be constitutional even without the "life of the mother" clause that I thought would be necessary.

Kennedy surprised me with his vote.
A broken clock is right twice a day.

That being said, does it leave the "life of the mama" open ended or does it strictly prohibit all baby brain sucking.
Personally, I cannot accept any justification beyond Constitutional justification. Given that, Roe vs Wade is a joke as well.

...from a strict constructions context.
It is funny how right-wingers gave up the "Strict constructionist" argument when they gained federal power. it was dropped like a hot rock, just as "State's Rights" was.

Who wants to bet, if Democrats maintain power, that "State's Rights, and "Strict Construction of The Constitution", suddenly become popular among Republicans?

"......the leading association of obstetricians and gynecologists have said the procedure sometimes is the safest option for a woman facing a dangerous pregnancy. Obstetricians also said such a ruling could threaten most abortions after 12 weeks of pregnancy, although Kennedy said alternate, more widely used procedures remain legal."

This is absolutely frightening to know that medical procedures are now being dictated by the self-righteous hypocrites we call republicans.

"......the leading association of obstetricians and gynecologists have said the procedure sometimes is the safest option for a woman facing a dangerous pregnancy. Obstetricians also said such a ruling could threaten most abortions after 12 weeks of pregnancy, although Kennedy said alternate, more widely used procedures remain legal."

This is absolutely frightening to know that medical procedures are now being dictated by the self-righteous hypocrites we call republicans.

I don't know. I'm OK with it. I used to have doubts, but after Frist made his astounding diagnosis of Terri Schiavo simply by watching a few minutes of videotape, I've figured, hey, these Republicans, they know medicine. They are medicine men. I am personally willing to submit my health to their judgements.

I only hope that all of the men who support this, some day, are in the position, where they have to do the same. Because that will be a fine day indeed.
I don't know. I'm OK with it. I used to have doubts, but after Frist made his astounding diagnosis of Terri Schiavo simply by watching a few minutes of videotape, I've figured, hey, these Republicans, they know medicine. They are medicine men. I am personally willing to submit my health to their judgements.

I only hope that all of the men who support this, some day, are in the position, where they have to do the same. Because that will be a fine day indeed.

LOL, when I read the first sentence, I was in shock!

But seriously. What in the world are we coming to? Some loud mouth fanaticals who have no responsibility or impact on a women's health "feel" as though a particular procedure doesn't sit well with them, so we have to tie a doctors hand behind his back? WTF? When did it become OK to politicize accepted medical practices? This is absolutely disgusting.
I achually like the result, I am just pissed becasue I belive the Federal government just got a LOT stronger in a very dangerous way. This sets precident for them to make medical decisions for you and cut the Doctor and patient out of the decision making process.
I achually like the result, I am just pissed becasue I belive the Federal government just got a LOT stronger in a very dangerous way. This sets precident for them to make medical decisions for you and cut the Doctor and patient out of the decision making process.

Of course it does. Which is why its scary considering how dumb most of them are. Particularly republicans.
I, and most Democrats, would have been fine with the law had it carried an exemption for the health of the mother.

Funny how its Bush appointees who have extended the federal governments power soo deeply into our private lives.
I, and most Democrats, would have been fine with the law had it carried an exemption for the health of the mother.

Funny how its Bush appointees who have extended the federal governments power soo deeply into our private lives.

But it doesn't carry an exemption for the health of the mother Jarod. It can't. Because these kinds of terminations do not take place out of "choice". They take place during wanted pregnancies that have gone horribly wrong. Already, it is more and more difficult for a grieving woman to rid her body of a dead fetus that is poisoning her body as well as her mental health. Not because it's banned, but because the political and societal pressures exterted by a bunch of fanatics who play doctor on message boards and in activist groups, have led to fewer and fewer doctors willing to perform this procedure, and fewer and fewer med students being trained in how to perform this medical procedure.

Since this procedure, rare to begin with, is used to protect the health of the mother, how could they exempt it? They can't. The mythological women who was too stupid or too lazy or too confused to terminate her unwanted pregancy in the first trimester does not statistically exist. This is a medical decision made by doctors, when they are faced with a patient, who was a thrilled mother to be, but who is now in medical and/or mental danger due to catastrophic and unforseen events completely beyond her control.

There is no need to worry that "someday" the government "might" use this to make medical decisions for you. They have already made medical decisions for more than half of this population.