Gotta hand it to Truth Detector. He nailed it


After the election our good friend GayRod tried to be contrite. Of course he had no choice given his hubris and certainty that Hillary would win the election

So this was GayRod's response

I'm the one eating crow, my hubris was misplaced and I was wrong! It happens, it's good for my soul.

This was TDs prediction. And was he ever accurate.

Unfortunately for you, you will learn NOTHING from this and continue acting like a brain dead clueless Liberal because that is all you know.

You will still stupidly believe what the Liberal media feed you. Check

You will still stupidly parrot the DNC talking points you are gullibly fed. Check

You will continue to be a massive hypocrite on steroids. Check

You will whine continuously for the next four years. Check

You will continue to lie. Check

You will continue to act dishonestly. Check

You will continue to promote a failed Marxist agenda. Check

I will continue to rub your face in it for another EIGHT years. Trump will win re-election.
After the election our good friend GayRod tried to be contrite. Of course he had no choice given his hubris and certainty that Hillary would win the election

This was TDs prediction. And was he ever accurate.


Truth Deflector/Lie Projector could've much more accurately posted....

Unfortunately for me, I will learn NOTHING from this and continue acting like a brain dead clueless Trumptard because that is all I know.

I will still stupidly believe what Fox News feeds me. Check

I will still stupidly parrot the RNC talking points I am gullibly fed. Check

I will continue to be a massive hypocrite on steroids. Check

I will whine continuously for the next four years. Check

I will continue to lie. Check

I will continue to act dishonestly. Check

I will continue to promote a failed Trumpist agenda. Check

I will continue to spew stupid shit in your face for another EIGHT years.

Now THAT ^^^ is accurate!!!! :thup:

And please explain how you know the following to be true...

Trump will win re-election.

Given what Mueller is uncovering, Dump might not even make through one term.

Nothing to see here folks.

Just another meaningless r/w drooler post.

Truth Deflector/Lie Projector could've much more accurately posted....

Now THAT ^^^ is accurate!!!! :thup:

And please explain how you know the following to be true...

Given what Mueller is uncovering, Dump might not even make through one term.

Nothing to see here folks.

Just another meaningless r/w drooler post.

Saying President Trump will win re-election is nothing more than a prediction. No more and no less than your prediction about Mueller. As it stands today, TD has more of a chance of being proven correct than you do. Mueller has nothing
ILA at least had enough of a spine to not ban the entire board like his other one. Besides that point, it's just attempts at Trumpkins tooting their own tired, and worn out horns. We called them republican circle jerks, back on Amazon forums. Unlike monkeys at the zoo, you won't want to take any pictures here.
Saying President Trump will win re-election is nothing more than a prediction. No more and no less than your prediction about Mueller. As it stands today, TD has more of a chance of being proven correct than you do. Mueller has nothing

Wrong as usual, Trumptard.

Lie Projector said WILL. I said MIGHT.

Note the difference.

Otherwise, all that crap he predicted about Jarod was more accurately true of himself.
Wrong as usual, Trumptard.

Lie Projector said WILL. I said MIGHT.

Note the difference.

Otherwise, all that crap he predicted about Jarod was more accurately true of himself.

There is no difference between MIGHT and WILL when it comes to making a prediction dumbass. One is just more declarative than the other.

For example.

The Patriots WILL win the Super Bowl next year is a prediction
The Patriots MIGHT win the Super Bowl next year is a prediction as well but it gives the person making the prediction an out.

How sad for you.
There is no difference between MIGHT and WILL when it comes to making a prediction dumbass. One is just more declarative than the other.

For example.

The Patriots WILL win the Super Bowl next year is a prediction
The Patriots MIGHT win the Super Bowl next year is a prediction as well but it gives the person making the prediction an out.

How sad for you.

What a pathetic attempt at saving face. :palm:

You're actually claiming there's no difference between WILL and MIGHT???? :rofl2:

Hey dumbfuck... saying something WILL happen is a prediction. Saying something MIGHT happen is a statement.

You're a ridiculous, lying, mental defective slime bucket.

How sad for you.