Gov. Tim Walz shows what true responsibility and leadership is.


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Contrast his "I own this" comments to tRump's "No, I don't take any responsibility for this" comment.
One guy willing to take the heat for actions that he was NOT personally responsible for.
One guy who has to constantly blame others for actions that he WAS personally responsible for.

One guy willing to take on a crisis situation.
One guy hoping nobody notices his incompetence.
I will leave the "addressing" of PMP'S latest round of his tRump "asskissing"ignorance to somebody else. I put his dumbass on "ignore". Not because I disagree with his politics, but because I find "closet racists"-who put biblical scriptures in their signature lines-to be rather disgusting.

"Fully immersed in faith" my ass. He simply gives decent churchgoers a very bad name.