Grandpa died yesterday...

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He had heart troubles, and had been hospitalized for a week. He became delusional a ripped out his catheter. They had to perform sugery, but he was too weak for it, and he went into shock. His heart stopped, but they managed to recessitate. By that time, however, his brain was mostly dead, and he was being kept alive by machine. I went to see him after this, and it was pretty clear that he wasn't alive in any real form at all. Mostly it was scary to see him hooked up in that machine, being mechanically pumped up with air in order to keep the rest of his body running. Eventually his heart stopped again and we gave an OK for a do-not-recussitate order.

He wasn't really a good man at all, and that's all I'll say on the subject.
It hard when we love someone and they have been ,well less than perfect.

If you were real close to him and he had sway over your life it may be a kinda tuff journey you are entering Water.

I hope your family can heal after this situation and know others care about what your going through.

When I lost my Dad ( who was also less than perfect) I went through some things I did not expect. Hnag in there dude.
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