
I didn't claim you had plagiarized anything...I just pointed out the similarities between your post and the narrative of that Documentary, concluding that if what USF had done was plagiarism, then according to your own definition, you had done it also.

OBVIOUSLY you were wrong but that didn't stop you from LYING, now did it? And since it only took you four posts and a half dozen vulgar ad homs to admit as much, how about for now you go fuck yerself?

being wrong is NOT lying dumbfuck....i never went to your board so i had no idea....

and you in fact ARE lying...

I didn't claim you had plagiarized anything

oh really?

Yurt's debate is rife with plagiarism also... the first three paragraphs of Yurt's opening statement are an almost exact duplication of what is stated in the Documentary "Grass", narrated by Woody Harrelson.

Sure, he changed a few words in an attempt to make the argument his own, but if USF is guilty, then Yurt is also.

now...i've put the video in its own thread, with a direct link to the is YOUR burden of proof to now show how i "copied" from the movie and you did in fact claim my debate was RIFE with plagerism....

NOTE: will copy this in its own thread so you cannot run from it and we don't fuck this thread up
why can't zappa back his claim up? he has the video...just show us where in the video i copied....

further, you claimed my debate is rife with plagiarism....and ALSO that i copied from the movie....

two things, prove them or its clear you're a fucking pathetic liar
Yurt's debate is rife with plagiarism

2 hours later

I didn't claim you had plagiarized anything...


still waiting for your proof i copied from the video zappa....

i'll give you one more day, if you don't provide your evidence, that is PROOF you're full of shit, you've already backed off the plagiarism claim...though oddly claim i copied from a video...

you will have had almost 48 hours....that is ample time
since i can't reveal contents of a PM...suffice it to say that i invited zappas to prove his claim and linked him to this thread in PM and his response...well...when he doesn't bother to try and prove his claim.... that may give you a hint :)