Gratuitous Emoticons

Look if we're going to have an emoticon for "owning" somebody...

we ought to have one, for when someone is accused of being a "Bush apologist". Here's my suggestion:

If you can make it smaller I can replace it.


Found it, Damo!
he linked externally to a site that doesn't like paying bandwidth fees for people that want to post pictures on messageboards

If a site didn't want to use the bandwidth to post a picture on your site, why would they tell you that with a picture?

It's a prank, folks.
Dunno, but it worked for a while...

I've seen this happen to images in the past. Some were used in signitures for months and then went out. One site used the message, "Stealing Bandwidth Makes Baby Jesus Cry," which is a similar joke as this message.
Just download the image then upload it to an image server like photo shack or something. Then link to the image.