APP - Great analysis on what obstruction of justice really is


Former Vice President

One of the misconceptions that seems to be running rampant through the media and the alt left is this notion that the FBI is "independent". They are not "independent". They work for the President of the United States. The buck stops with the President. The President can start or stop ANY investigation he wants.

Now if it is a matter of abuse of that power, then it should be taken up by Congress.

If the President wants Comey to shut down an investigation then he can shut it down. Like I said in an earlier post, all Trump would have to do is pardon Mike Flynn. Case closed. The President's right to pardon is unchallenged. Now for political reasons he may not want to do that right now, but Constitutionally, there is ZERO stopping him. Legally, there is nothing stopping him.

Part of me wishes he would do it so the left would have their collective heads explode.