APP - Great article on the scam that is income inequality

Well, not that it matters, it might be that you banned them all from the thread? LMAO

In APP there is no reason to ban anyone BUT Evince. But that is my humble opinion.

Carry on!
The REAL scam about income inequality is the belief that Government can provide for equal outcomes without devastating results.

Venezuela comes to mind.
Income inequality is an argument of the fools, by the fools and for the fools. It is the last refuge for a failed Progressive Liberal ideology to cling to when all else has failed.

The mere belief that Government should, or can, be the arbiter of what is fair and should, or can, redistribute wealth can only be expressed in a vacuum of the historic failure of such efforts globally. However, if you can ensure that enough citizenry can be indoctrinated instead of educated, you can assure a large enough crop of fools to vote for such nonsense.
They've changed it... Like Global Warming wasn't Global Warming for a while... it isn't "Income Inequality" any more... The speech will have a different phrase.