Great country you have there Charv


Actual poster in London:

There have been cops on certain routes and at certain bus stations here, on top of cameras. Sometimes, it's a matter of pubic safety when people are getting stabbed and robbed using the transit system.
There have been cops on certain routes and at certain bus stations here, on top of cameras. Sometimes, it's a matter of pubic safety when people are getting stabbed and robbed using the transit system.

That is really sad to hear! I remember walking home to NDG from downtown Montreal at 3 a.m. and nobody bothered me except for a crazy woman demanding a cigarette, which I didn't have. Even she wasn't too much. A couple of horn honks, but nobody got pushy. I'm sorry to learn that things have deteriorated so that danger is a common occurrence.
That is really sad to hear! I remember walking home to NDG from downtown Montreal at 3 a.m. and nobody bothered me except for a crazy woman demanding a cigarette, which I didn't have. Even she wasn't too much. A couple of horn honks, but nobody got pushy. I'm sorry to learn that things have deteriorated so that danger is a common occurrence.

I don't know about Montreal,but things were pretty bad here for awhile. I'm not sure how permanent some security measures are, but the cameras serve a dual purpose in some spots, primarily with the O-train. The route I take home from work is bad. I know your familiar with Ottawa so you can easily imagine the ride; it goes from Vanier, past the mission and every community and health clinic downtown, through Sommerset west, Mechanicsville (where I live) then on to the Royal Ottawa and lastley, to the Coldwell housing projects down the road from the RO. There's been a few cops on that bus in the afternoon.
That is really sad to hear! I remember walking home to NDG from downtown Montreal at 3 a.m. and nobody bothered me except for a crazy woman demanding a cigarette, which I didn't have. Even she wasn't too much. A couple of horn honks, but nobody got pushy. I'm sorry to learn that things have deteriorated so that danger is a common occurrence.

There hasn't been any real explosion of crime in Canada. If people have been saying so it's a myth. If anything, crime rates are probably lower than when you lived there.
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Can they possibly make it more 1984?

I mean, dang.

no kidding, its like they did it on purpose, so in your face that is might blunt someone talking about reverse psych...

i can hear some person saying...

if it what you are saying is true, they wouldn't be so "open" about it
I can't say that i've ever seen them even though they're, apparently, 7 years old.

Bloody Londoners. At least they've now got shot of the Mayor who introduced them.
I can't say that i've ever seen them even though they're, apparently, 7 years old.

Bloody Londoners. At least they've now got shot of the Mayor who introduced them.
Sorry Charv but that is false. These posters were talked about as early as March this year:

But the new Conservative mayor came into power in May this year.

I would doubt any top level official would have any real input into something as micro as a poster anyway. Britons and especially the bigger (and let's be fair, more left-wing and certainly left-wing in terms of political control) cities have been obsessed with CCTV.
Sorry Charv but that is false. These posters were talked about as early as March this year:

But the new Conservative mayor came into power in May this year.

I would doubt any top level official would have any real input into something as micro as a poster anyway. Britons and especially the bigger (and let's be fair, more left-wing and certainly left-wing in terms of political control) cities have been obsessed with CCTV.

How am i wrong?

The posters were introduced in October 2002 when Ken Livingstone was mayor. Ken Livingstone has now been voted out.

I wouldn't have thought old Ken specifically designed the posters but the London Mayor does have a huge power of appointment to employ the type of weirdo who commissions this stuff. All British politicians are obsessed with CCTV, from the urban metropolis to the tiniest village and this is not a good thing.
How am i wrong?

The posters were introduced in October 2002 when Ken Livingstone was mayor. Ken Livingstone has now been voted out.

I wouldn't have thought old Ken specifically designed the posters but the London Mayor does have a huge power of appointment to employ the type of weirdo who commissions this stuff. All British politicians are obsessed with CCTV, from the urban metropolis to the tiniest village and this is not a good thing.

Ok I thought you were blaming it on Boris as he is the new Conservative mayor. You don't like Red Ken?

I argue the CCTV thing, my relatives live in a Conservative rural area of Bucks and there are only 3 gov cameras within a fairly large radius and they are all well known to the locals. My uncle pointed them out to me on our last trip there.
For fuck's sake.

I love England, but I'd be afraid to live under the watchful eye of the surveillance state. Sadly, we're probably not too far off from such a thing on this side of the pond. The statist party duopoly will see to it.
Ok I thought you were blaming it on Boris as he is the new Conservative mayor. You don't like Red Ken?

I argue the CCTV thing, my relatives live in a Conservative rural area of Bucks and there are only 3 gov cameras within a fairly large radius and they are all well known to the locals. My uncle pointed them out to me on our last trip there.

I wouldn't blame Boris. I quite like him in a strange bumbling uncle type of way. I never really had much to say about Ken as it was only Londoners he annoyed but it might well have been a different story if i'd lived in London.

I live in a pretty rural area myself (completely Tory with the odd independent and Lib Dem, Labour are nowhere) and local politicians are always banging on about getting CCTV installed in their little hamlets in order to stamp out pressing things of concern such as dogs shitting on the village green. If it's not CCTV it's bloody speed cameras they want. It has absolutely nothing to do with political bent they're just idiots who think cameras solve problems.
I wouldn't blame Boris. I quite like him in a strange bumbling uncle type of way. I never really had much to say about Ken as it was only Londoners he annoyed but it might well have been a different story if i'd lived in London.

I live in a pretty rural area myself (completely Tory with the odd independent and Lib Dem, Labour are nowhere) and local politicians are always banging on about getting CCTV installed in their little hamlets in order to stamp out pressing things of concern such as dogs shitting on the village green. If it's not CCTV it's bloody speed cameras they want. It has absolutely nothing to do with political bent they're just idiots who think cameras solve problems.

However they do solve crimes from time to time...just make sure when ya leave the house ya are having a great hair day...then all should be well...or not!:rolleyes: