Great moments in Christo-Fascist Hollyrollerism


Will work for Scooby snacks
Mark Foley.
Rich Gannon.

Pastor Ted gets banished from the church, for "sexual immorality".
Those must have been one hell of a "massage" sessions.

From now on, when a hollyroller lectures me on the sins of being gay, I'm going to assume that they are, in fact, closet gays themselves. Or, as Shakespeare once wrote "Methinks she doth protest too much!"
Why would a holyroller lecture you on the sins of homosexuality? They never have me. Although I hold much the same ideation as you do on that one...
Why would a holyroller lecture you on the sins of homosexuality? They never have me. Although I hold much the same ideation as you do on that one...

You've never read any of brents posts, huh?

Have you seen any of the numerous posts, instructing us all - straight and gay - that the bible clearly forbids homosexuality?
You've never read any of brents posts, huh?

Have you seen any of the numerous posts, instructing us all - straight and gay - that the bible clearly forbids homosexuality?
Ahhh... I see. I just never took them all that personally. I really couldn't care less if homosexuality is a Christian sin.
You've never read any of brents posts, huh?

Have you seen any of the numerous posts, instructing us all - straight and gay - that the bible clearly forbids homosexuality?

It does. Cut the doublethink bullshit...

From now on, when a hollyroller lectures me on the sins of being gay, I'm going to assume that they are, in fact, closet gays themselves.

That's some pretty retarded logic.
Ahhh... I see. I just never took them all that personally. I really couldn't care less if homosexuality is a Christian sin.
I do take some of that preachin' personally. OTOH, it doesn't bother me much since I have no respect for them as do the preachin'.

Face it, these lice are saying, in effect, that I'm damned and an evil baby eater -- metaphorically speaking. Not only me but robdawg, Darla and you, too. It doesn't bother me any more than being called a big doo-doo head by a five year old might bother me, but the assertion that it's not intended personally is, to my mind, kind of silly.
I'm chuffed to bits that they have got Haggard for hypocrisy.

I hope someone will follow him around reminding him about how he will burn in hell for all eternity....
Naah he will be preachin again somewhere in a few years, and there will be plenty of fools that will follow him.
See what I mean, No shortage of suckers in a church.

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) -- Members of the New Life Church were stunned and brought to tears by the Rev. Ted Haggard's confessions of "sexual immorality," then accepted his plea for forgiveness with open arms.

Haggard, who had been a leading evangelist and vocal opponent of gay marriage, apologized Sunday in a letter read from the pulpit of the 14,000-member church he founded.

Some in the standing-room-only crowd wiped away tears and embraced each other as they heard Haggard's words read by a member of the board that fired him a day earlier.

"The fact is I am guilty of sexual immorality. And I take responsibility for the entire problem," Haggard wrote. "I am a deceiver and a liar. There's a part of my life that is so repulsive and dark that I have been warring against it for all of my adult life."

After services, Patty Erwin kneeled near the back of the 8,000-seat auditorium and said a prayer for Haggard.

"We all love him because he's a part of our family. You don't just throw away a sister or a brother," said Erwin, who's been coming to the church for 15 years. "Desperately, we love him, and we wouldn't be here if we didn't."
See what I mean, No shortage of suckers in a church.

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) -- Members of the New Life Church were stunned and brought to tears by the Rev. Ted Haggard's confessions of "sexual immorality," then accepted his plea for forgiveness with open arms.

Haggard, who had been a leading evangelist and vocal opponent of gay marriage, apologized Sunday in a letter read from the pulpit of the 14,000-member church he founded.

Some in the standing-room-only crowd wiped away tears and embraced each other as they heard Haggard's words read by a member of the board that fired him a day earlier.

"The fact is I am guilty of sexual immorality. And I take responsibility for the entire problem," Haggard wrote. "I am a deceiver and a liar. There's a part of my life that is so repulsive and dark that I have been warring against it for all of my adult life."

After services, Patty Erwin kneeled near the back of the 8,000-seat auditorium and said a prayer for Haggard.

"We all love him because he's a part of our family. You don't just throw away a sister or a brother," said Erwin, who's been coming to the church for 15 years. "Desperately, we love him, and we wouldn't be here if we didn't."


You're very cynical usc. But this is pretty funny. "Desperately, we love him" I don't know what that means. Desperately. Hmm.
Care, that means those pitiful humans are worshipping a man instead of God.

I may be cynical, but usually pretty close to the mark.
Jim baker is preaching again, so is Swaggert. I am not sure about the Reverend Lyons. Is he in jail ?