Great Moments in Fox News...


Will work for Scooby snacks
Liberal comedian mocks Fox "News" live on Fox.

Lee Camp — a liberal comedian and activist — appeared on Fox News yesterday morning. At the end of the segment, Camp said, “What is Fox News? It’s just a parade of propaganda, isn’t it? It’s just a festival of ignorance....a million people are dead in Iraq. C'mon this is ridiculous.” Caught off guard, the Fox host offered a feeble defense of the network.

Immediately after Camp’s comments, Fox promoted a segment about Star Trek’s Captain Kirk and his purported ability to woo beautiful women.
I wish I had seen this, because it sounded like that guy said "their friend Bones, Doctor McCoy, just wrote a new book".

Deforest Kelly is dead.

They can't even get their distractions right.

But maybe it was some kind of joke. I didn't see it, too bad.
I wish I had seen this, because it sounded like that guy said "their friend Bones, Doctor McCoy, just wrote a new book".

Deforest Kelly is dead.

They can't even get their distractions right.

But maybe it was some kind of joke. I didn't see it, too bad.

Darla, your star trek geekery is showing (wink, wink).

I can see where this comedian guy is coming from. I'm pretty sure Faux News has devoted an order of magnitude more coverage to sexy cheerleader costume stories, and star trek piccadilos, than they have to civilian casualties in Iraq. Sad.