Great New Site

Good site Desh, Liberal Democrat Mike Gravel gets his pants on fire (the harshest ruling) for his lie over race and prisons:

This is a familiar lie that Liberals use on this board.

The fact that the American Just-Us System incarcerates astronomical numbers of blacks is undeniable, especially considering that most are locked for the "war on drugs" which is nothing more than a war on blacks.

Think you can refute that? .. Start with 72% of all illegal drug users and the VAST majority of sellers and importers are white.

See if you can refute the fact that America locks up more of its population than any nation on the planet leaving China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea far in the dust. In fact, we have more prisoners than China, which has about 5 times our population and India, which has 4 times our population COMBINED.

In FACT, America has about 5% of the world's population but has 25% of all the world's prisoners.

In FACT, one out of every 32 Americans are in prison or on probation.

Gravel may have gotten the 70% wrong but not much else.
In FACT, America has about 5% of the world's population but has 25% of all the world's prisoners.

In FACT, one out of every 32 Americans are in prison or on probation.

Gravel may have gotten the 70% wrong but not much else.

what are you tring to say we have high standerds ???

or is that we just dont like to exicuite all of these criminals because you know they could be innocent ?
The fact that the American Just-Us System incarcerates astronomical numbers of blacks is undeniable, especially considering that most are locked for the "war on drugs" which is nothing more than a war on blacks.

Think you can refute that? .. Start with 72% of all illegal drug users and the VAST majority of sellers and importers are white.

See if you can refute the fact that America locks up more of its population than any nation on the planet leaving China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea far in the dust. In fact, we have more prisoners than China, which has about 5 times our population and India, which has 4 times our population COMBINED.

In FACT, America has about 5% of the world's population but has 25% of all the world's prisoners.

In FACT, one out of every 32 Americans are in prison or on probation.

Gravel may have gotten the 70% wrong but not much else.
What a conspiracy world you live in.
You know 100 years ago, there was far more racism, blacks had real hardship, were far poorer, and lacked civil rights - they had all the reasons YOU and other lefties pretend MUST lead to a life of crime and would have been convicted much more then.
Yet the prison population for blacks was actually quite low then.

The facts are that CRIME started really booming in the mid-60's, the great Liberal revolution times, especially in the Liberal Democrat run inner cities where blacks make up a higher percentage of the people. People were told at this point (by Liberal intellectuals and political leaders), that the system was to blame, or society, or the white man or poverty. That combined with social welfare programs like Medicaid, expansion of welfare, the Food Stamp Act, meant that people not only could blame others for their irresponsibility but they were largely not responsible for providing for themselves.
It is that attitude and that lack of consequences for their actions (ie: act bad lose your job, but not your welfare check) that lead to such a giant spike in crime as the stats clearly bear out:

And you'll also note that the crime rate decreased in the 90's when Republicans got tough on crime and started eliminating welfare.

A lot of immigrants come here poor as hell, from far worse backgrounds (some from black nations), but they are not in jails, not because some white racists love them and keep them out of there, but because they simply don't commit crimes. They have not been tainted by the poisonous message of Liberalism, that it is ok to commit crime because you are poor or because you are black or because society doesn't do enough for you.

The war on drugs is just as wrong as any government war like the war on poverty started by Dems and still the nations longest ongoing war, but whites are incarcerated from that too. It is hardly a black thing, blackassdolt.
No, Dran-o, what a fantasy world you live in. A world where Americans are just better and more moral than all other people in the world, right from birth. Well, white, well to do Americans, anyway. You know, the real Americans.

We incarcerate a far larger proportion of our population than do the admittedly authoritarian and repressive Chinese but that doesn't mean that we're authoritarian and repressive. No! God's on our side, right? And that vast sample of Americans who are incarcerated is enormously skewed towards a single ethnic group but that doesn't mean that our society is racist! Nosiree! Not possible!

You're an ideologically blinded idiot, Dano. I really hope you end up doing time someday: it would be a useful education for you.
what are you tring to say we have high standerds ???

or is that we just dont like to exicuite all of these criminals because you know they could be innocent ?

We have the harshest imprisonment laws in the world, Bob, and imprisonment laws for some of the silliest crimes, too.

Three strikes is great until you have to put someone in jail for life for stealing 90 dollars worth of paper somewhere.
What a conspiracy world you live in.
You know 100 years ago, there was far more racism, blacks had real hardship, were far poorer, and lacked civil rights - they had all the reasons YOU and other lefties pretend MUST lead to a life of crime and would have been convicted much more then.
Yet the prison population for blacks was actually quite low then.

The facts are that CRIME started really booming in the mid-60's, the great Liberal revolution times, especially in the Liberal Democrat run inner cities where blacks make up a higher percentage of the people. People were told at this point (by Liberal intellectuals and political leaders), that the system was to blame, or society, or the white man or poverty. That combined with social welfare programs like Medicaid, expansion of welfare, the Food Stamp Act, meant that people not only could blame others for their irresponsibility but they were largely not responsible for providing for themselves.
It is that attitude and that lack of consequences for their actions (ie: act bad lose your job, but not your welfare check) that lead to such a giant spike in crime as the stats clearly bear out:

And you'll also note that the crime rate decreased in the 90's when Republicans got tough on crime and started eliminating welfare.

A lot of immigrants come here poor as hell, from far worse backgrounds (some from black nations), but they are not in jails, not because some white racists love them and keep them out of there, but because they simply don't commit crimes. They have not been tainted by the poisonous message of Liberalism, that it is ok to commit crime because you are poor or because you are black or because society doesn't do enough for you.

The war on drugs is just as wrong as any government war like the war on poverty started by Dems and still the nations longest ongoing war, but whites are incarcerated from that too. It is hardly a black thing, blackassdolt.

Crime was was never at an "all time high" in the 60's. "Tough on crime" has been a useful fearmongering slogan sicne teh 60's, too, and we've had the harshest, most irrational laws in the world then, too. Odd that crime started to decrease in the 90's, then, whenever major social shifts had happened, and ridiculous "tough on crime" laws had been in place, uselessly, for 30 years or more.

Also odd that we still have much higher crime than nations with rational and proportionate punishment systems.
The USA has far too many people in jail, that is a fact and I agree with the rest of your post!