Great, Now Trump / Jews Clearly Support Muslims Lying By Calling People Racist

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
For years the globalist crime organization, leftists, main stream "mudia" and muslims have been lying about citizens claiming them racist (for being against violent hate crimes against non muslims deemed acceptable in islam and escalating everywhere around the world in modern day where muslim populations begin to rise which is quite clearly not racist and nor is it a phobia) while using the lie that islam is a race.

Being religious of any religion doesn't describe racial variation of human/ nationality, it merely describes a person from any variation of the human race stooping to be religious.

There are different variations of human in the jewish religion, in the muslim religion and in christianity etc. which proves Beyond any shadow of doubt that religion is not a nationality or a variation of the human race. Further more in Israel where apparently there is the largest concentration of Jews, there are also those of other religions as well as the non religious in Israel fyi.

So there you have proof that Trump and the Jews involved support muslms lying by referring to anyone as racist while basing such upon the obvious lie that a religion is a human race. Now that they have doe this what do you think muslims around the world are going to attempt? Let alone those from all other religions, great more lies to confuse society while being divided and conquered by infiltration from within recently corrupted governing systems.

President Trump, smarten up and undo this immediately for the well being and safety of the current and future generations! I get that you might not have understood the severity and entirety of such actions but here I am rock you like a hurricane man, my pleasure and most necessary.

I am so sick of of peoples lies while people use others lying as an excuse to get away with it themselves thus an ever escalating and worsening insanity manifestation of lies which is very concerning as well disheartening. There is no justice when everyone is lying especially when it comes to the foundation of primary issues, just senseless arguing over deliberate ignorance towards what fact proves. Oh who cares if peoples lives are put under threat as long as the jew gets to sue eh President Trump?! I certainly hope you soon realize this huge mistake and retract it immediately!

And after thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death of millions if not billions of people to this very day over factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies, I am so sick of selfish, greedy ignorant religious low life's placing everyone's life under threat and all because these sickos value lies more that they value human life hence what it means to be religious. Religion is the scum of the Earth and everyone's enemy. To see a demonstration of that factual evidence come to my bitchute account and watch the video titled "There is no such thing as an islamaphobe" I am anti every religion and my pleasure to be here standing strong for the well being ad sanity of current and future generations of the life on this planet! I mean this has been going on for thousands of years, war and divide over filthy religious lies yet we have those who support the largest hate crime against humanity whining that their lies lead to hate crimes etc. when if they really cared, they obviously would have thrown their religion the trash long ago but because thy value lies more than they value human life, we still have religious garbage shaming the globe while making a complete mockery of human race potential (more just below the included news story).

*Also I hear that the Canadian government speaking of cracking down on hate speech (every religion is hate speech and thousands of years are proof) thus justly puts islam right at the top of the list as hate speech to ban in Canada well before anything else. If islam isn't at the top of that list, and if LGBT lies aren't banned then it's a no brainer these liars are playing a sick joke to try and force lies upon society to try and make criminals out of citizens for not lying for radical sick groups of liars who lies lead to war and divide while they try telling you that it is you exposing their lies that is the problem. A liar lies while further lying claiming you exposing their lies is the problem and they obviously would attempt such to try ad keep getting away with such sick and inexcusable behavior quite obviously. The nerve of these transparent sickos.



Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada