APP - Great piece on the liberal mindset and what they are doing today



Essentially what you have is that reality has failed to conform to their beliefs

Let's take a look at what liberals fervently believed heading into the 2016 election

1) Hillary Clinton was the most qualified person to EVER run for President
2) Donald Trump was the least qualified person to EVER run for President
3) Hillary Clinton had the electoral map locked up and it was virtually impossible for Trump to breach her electoral college math.
4) The demographics in the United States have changed such that democrats had a permanent majority and could not be defeated electorally
5) The Obama coalition was going to propel Hillary Clinton to victory

There are more, but those were the consistent themes of the 2016 election. Well we all know what happened on November 8, 2016; The most qualified person to ever run lost to the least qualified person to ever run losing traditionally blue states with white folks making a surge and the Obama coalition staying home.

Instead of looking at this and wondering what might have been wrong with the candidate, we get violence, threats of violence and made up stories about Russian collusion.
One only needs to watch this clip from maddow to see how arrogant liberals were:

In most normal elections, both sides realize that they have a chance of losing. This election was different. Even when the numbers showed trump at 30% to win, liberals were gloating uncontrollably. As it turned out, nearly half of the voting public were completely invisible to them. These invisbles weren't people hiding in the shadows however, for liberals it was their sisters, brothers, fathers, mothers, friends and neighbors.

They truly felt it was impossible for trump to win. He was espoused ever *ism and said every *ist thing in the book. On a deep primal level, their brains simply could not compute a reality that would allow, or even embrace some of the things Trump said. Their entire concept of reality itself was shattered.

What a great election.
One only needs to watch this clip from maddow to see how arrogant liberals were:

In most normal elections, both sides realize that they have a chance of losing. This election was different. Even when the numbers showed trump at 30% to win, liberals were gloating uncontrollably. As it turned out, nearly half of the voting public were completely invisible to them. These invisbles weren't people hiding in the shadows however, for liberals it was their sisters, brothers, fathers, mothers, friends and neighbors.

They truly felt it was impossible for trump to win. He was espoused ever *ism and said every *ist thing in the book. On a deep primal level, their brains simply could not compute a reality that would allow, or even embrace some of the things Trump said. Their entire concept of reality itself was shattered.

What a great election.

To add to that, how many times in a persons life do they encounter a Desh who loudly spouts off their political views and gets in their face. And they just say nothing because they don't want the drama. What the Desh types take away from that interaction is "that person must agree with me"

So they get this confirmatory bias that only adds to this arrogance