APP - Great read by Jonathan Turley

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Jonathan Turley is no Trump fan, but like Alan Dershowitz he is a solid legal scholar and usually plays it pretty straight even if it isn't the politically expedient thing to do or the political answer you want

He clearly points out that whether you think the Trump Tower meeting was wrong, right, stupid or whatever it does not rise to the level of ILLEGAL. If it does, as I pointed out, it also opens up the Clinton campaign to the same charges. Just because the campaign used cutouts doesn't mean that what they did is legal under the definition the left is using.

It would also raise questions about Adam Schiff and the phone call he took by a prankster supposedly getting dirt on President Trump.
Jonathan Turley is no Trump fan, but like Alan Dershowitz he is a solid legal scholar and usually plays it pretty straight even if it isn't the politically expedient thing to do or the political answer you want

He clearly points out that whether you think the Trump Tower meeting was wrong, right, stupid or whatever it does not rise to the level of ILLEGAL. If it does, as I pointed out, it also opens up the Clinton campaign to the same charges. Just because the campaign used cutouts doesn't mean that what they did is legal under the definition the left is using.

It would also raise questions about Adam Schiff and the phone call he took by a prankster supposedly getting dirt on President Trump.

Excellent post, Comrade D.