APP - GREAT READ: On mail in voting


Former Vice President

There was a reason the founders only wanted property owners to be able to vote. There was a reason that they only let men vote.

They wanted people who had skin in the game. The mail in voting is not about the virus. It is about the democrat culling more non thinking votes by people who really don't care about making the country great but only care about sucking more resources out of those who make this country work
How anyone could post nonsense from this idiot is beyond comprehension. The man talks evil nonsense. What is with American conservatives today? Are you all so uneducated that moronic ideologues guide you. Wake up.

"Scheuer’s career reached its terminal nadir last week, when he published a column endorsing an assassination of President Obama and Prime Minister David Cameron. In the modern media environment, it’s pretty hard to go too far. Advocacy of murder, however, does cross one of the last remaining lines." David Frum