APP - Great read on why Trumps tariffs are necessary

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

The chart in this article is educational and scary. It explains a great deal and something I didn’t know until reading it.

You see we have all been sold a bill of goods. We intuitively believe that free trade is good. And I still believe in free trade. We also want to believe that despite political differences elected politicians have the best interests of the country at heart.

Over the last 27 years covering both Bush’s, Clinton and Obama that is false.

All of them have sold us out in one way or another with spurious multilateral trade agreements. The final dagger was Bush in 2000 allowing China in the WTO.

President Trump is reversing the trend of growth in capital spending and is fighting to eliminate these multilateral trade agreements that only hamper our country.

What we have had since NAFTA is not free trade. It is structured trade and it has benefitted EVERYONE but us. We have bought cheaper goods on debt but lost our manufacturing base in the process as these same countries closed their markets to our goods. It can’t go on and President Trump is stopping it.

The chart in this article is educational and scary. It explains a great deal and something I didn’t know until reading it.

You see we have all been sold a bill of goods. We intuitively believe that free trade is good. And I still believe in free trade. We also want to believe that despite political differences elected politicians have the best interests of the country at heart.

Over the last 27 years covering both Bush’s, Clinton and Obama that is false.

All of them have sold us out in one way or another with spurious multilateral trade agreements. The final dagger was Bush in 2000 allowing China in the WTO.

President Trump is reversing the trend of growth in capital spending and is fighting to eliminate these multilateral trade agreements that only hamper our country.

What we have had since NAFTA is not free trade. It is structured trade and it has benefitted EVERYONE but us. We have bought cheaper goods on debt but lost our manufacturing base in the process as these same countries closed their markets to our goods. It can’t go on and President Trump is stopping it.

Great find, Don. Thanks for posting this thread.


"The only person in public life who understands this chart is Donald Trump.

Note that we are not talking about the "creative destruction of capitalism" here. We are not talking about no longer making buggy whips. We are talking about the staples of a modern economy, many of which we no longer have the capital equipment to manufacture.

We were the only country to emerge from World War II stronger than when we went into it, and our relative strength at the end of World War II was immeasurable. It became our policy, and then our unconscious attitude, to "help other countries get back on their feet." This attitude became a permanent part of our trade policy-making, wherein we essentially opened our markets to other countries while accepting that their markets were closed to us.

The chart shows that our ability to sustain the Lord Bountiful approach to trade ended forever in 2000, although nobody in power saw it until Donald Trump came along in 2016