Greatest Briton nominations


B/C I don't want to leave the British out.

I nominate Charver.

Note: for the purposes of this poll, you can nominate any Irish (NI or RoI) citizen as well. I guess if we define a "Briton" as a resident of the British isles instead of a person of UK nationality this would make sense.
B/C I don't want to leave the British out.

I nominate Charver.

Note: for the purposes of this poll, you can nominate any Irish (NI or RoI) citizen as well. I guess if we define a "Briton" as a resident of the British isles instead of a person of UK nationality this would make sense.
I take it you're not including Isaac Newton cause no other Brit comes even remotely close.
Tom Clarke
Sean MacDermott
Roger Casement

Pretty much every single one of my nominations greatest contribution was the killing of the English.
Churchill was a lousy PM. Attlee PWNed him (and PWNed him twice in the popular vote), at what should have been Churchill's greatest moment, for a reason.
Churchill was a lousy PM. Attlee PWNed him (and PWNed him twice in the popular vote), at what should have been Churchill's greatest moment, for a reason.

The war was over, and England no longer needed a strong leader to kill Nazis, so they looked for someone as pathetic as the interwar PMs, such as Chamberlain, Baldwin, and MacDonald.
The war was over, and England no longer needed a strong leader to kill Nazis, so they looked for someone as pathetic as the interwar PMs, such as Chamberlain, Baldwin, and MacDonald.

There's a difference between strong and batshit crazy + drunk all the time. He was literally planning an utterly unwinnable invasion of the USSR at the time the voters kicked him out.
There's a difference between strong and batshit crazy + drunk all the time. He was literally planning an utterly unwinnable invasion of the USSR at the time the voters kicked him out.

So was Patton, the greatest American general of all-time. Churchill was lucky to escape with his life. No so for Gen. George!!