Greatest Line on CSPAN


JPP Modarater
A caller just called in and said that Bush shouldn't accuse people of things he can't even pronounce. :p
Its interesting, when I first started watching this show there was pretty much an even split of apologists and realists. Now, even the most staunch of republicans are seeing the light. Most people that call up now regardless of party can't stand the admin.

Also, there wasn't too much opposition to Reid's plan or his comments. One republican of 22 or 27 years and former vet said that thought he was completely right. It only took billions of wasted dollars and thousands of wasted lives and scores of injuries for the apologists to face reality.
Its interesting, when I first started watching this show there was pretty much an even split of apologists and realists. Now, even the most staunch of republicans are seeing the light. Most people that call up now regardless of party can't stand the admin.

I think that most republicans feel, like a lot of you folks hope, that the Bush administration has damaged the republican party beyond repair. Therefore they cannot stand Bushco at this time.
I think that most republicans feel, like a lot of you folks hope, that the Bush administration has damaged the republican party beyond repair. Therefore they cannot stand Bushco at this time.

That's the impression I get. But, overall, I have little faith in my countrymen. Look what it took for them to see the light.
I watch some of that cspan call in show most every morning.

Fair warning: If you drink coffee, wear a bib when watching. Some of the stuff the NeoCon callers will say, will cause you to spit your coffee out.

This morning some racist NeoCon said the Iraq war was Bill Clinton's fault. And also, that if it took "blacks" 100 years to get the "backbone" to "stand up to the klan", why are "they" so pessimistic on the iraq war after only 4 years?

I guess the implication was that we should give the Iraq war 100 years to succeed.
Neocons have mental issues and all need professional treatment.
After all bush said to report anyone seen acting strangely....
I watch some of that cspan call in show most every morning.

Fair warning: If you drink coffee, wear a bib when watching. Some of the stuff the NeoCon callers will say, will cause you to spit your coffee out.

This morning some racist NeoCon said the Iraq war was Bill Clinton's fault. And also, that if it took "blacks" 100 years to get the "backbone" to "stand up to the klan", why are "they" so pessimistic on the iraq war after only 4 years?

I guess the implication was that we should give the Iraq war 100 years to succeed.

Was he a northerner?:cool: :rolleyes: