Greatest Scientist(s)


Uwaa OmO
Since we're all feeling so academically scholarly in regards to history, who would you pick to be the greatest scientist in history? By greatest, I mean who has done the most to advance humanity. The guy who knows the final digit of Pi might be hella smart, but that does not preclude him to greatness.

(Yes I know Pi has no ending)
Since we're all feeling so academically scholarly in regards to history, who would you pick to be the greatest scientist in history? By greatest, I mean who has done the most to advance humanity. The guy who knows the final digit of Pi might be hella smart, but that does not preclude him to greatness.

(Yes I know Pi has no ending)

When the last slice is eaten, that's pretty much the end of it.
I can't think of just one, so I nominate the following:

Isaac Newton
Max Planck
Michael Faraday
James Clark Maxwell
Albert Einstein
Ernest Rutherford
Alan Turing
My list would be, using the criteria listed of advancing humanity

Isaac Newton
Charles Darwin
Niles Bohr
Albert Einstein
Linus Pauling
Charles Darwin.

That awesome Chimp lady, Jane Goodall

And the Father of Republican -Creation Science, George McCready Price***

*** Also, a direct forefather of Climate Gate science deniers
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I figured that Newton is always going to win these things, so why not get him out of the way.

Since Newton gave us calculus and physics, and we're going to see scientists who discovered dna, germs, radiation, etc., I wish to nominate a scientist who gave us an equally revolutionary breakthrough, in modern technology:

Sir Tim Berners-Lee, for building the first WWW project, and especially for inventing the HTTP, without which, none of us would be here chatting.
I figured that Newton is always going to win these things, so why not get him out of the way.

Since Newton gave us calculus and physics, and we're going to see scientists who discovered dna, germs, radiation, etc., I wish to nominate a scientist who gave us an equally revolutionary breakthrough, in modern technology:

Sir Tim Berners-Lee, for building the first WWW project, and especially for inventing the HTTP, without which, none of us would be here chatting.

It is good that Tim Berners-Lee is getting the praise that he deserves, but there is another that ought to be up there with the greats. Along with Alan Turing, Tommy Flowers should receive recognition for his work on Colossus, without which WW2 would have been lost.
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Linus Torvalds needs a mention for originating Linux and the open source software movement.

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