In 1993, David Brower, the late “arch-druid” of environmentalism, placed this ad
What you might not be able read in the small print (
if you've masturbated excessively all your life) is that this phrase came from an environmental activist named Hazel Henderson, who added, at the 1992 “Earth Summit” in Rio, that come the green revolution,
economists would be sent to camps.
The rest of the text is a letter to the new president, Blowjob Bill Clinton, saying “please please get rid of that evil cost-benefit analysis” that the evil Reagan-Bush regime forced on us to make our regulations make sense!
Now, Brower returned to Earth Mother Goddess Gaia in the late 1990s, and even the most ideological environmentalists grudgingly recognized that economics is essential to any sensible environmentalism.
Their grasp of economics was often at a kindergarten level, but as Samuel Johnson said, it was like the novelty of a woman preaching or a dog standing on its hind legs.
It couldn’t last, of course. Behold
Rolling Stone‘s amazing backsliding: