Green Is The Color Of Money


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Green is also the color of Pelosi’ face:


On Monday, Speaker Pelosi finally got around to endorsing Joe Biden for president.

Today, I am proud to endorse Joe Biden for president of the United States because he will be an extraordinary president. He knows how to get the job done. When our nation faced the Great Recession, it was Joe Biden who led the implementation and the accountability of the Recovery Act, helping create and save millions of jobs. Now more than ever, we need a forward-looking, battle-tested leader who will fight for the people, a president with the values, experience and the strategic-thinking to bring our nation together and build a better, fairer world for our children. For these and other reasons, I am proud to endorse Joe Biden for president, a leader who is the personification of hope and courage, values, authenticity and integrity.

Has anyone ever heard a bigger load of sheer nonsense?

To be polite, everything that comes out of Pelosi’s mouth is a load of nonsense.

Any remotely sentient person knows by now that Joe Biden is an intellectual lightweight, a plagiarist, corrupt to his core (he has seen to it that every member of his family has become fabulously wealthy thanks to his nefarious shenanigans), and that he is suffering from rapidly advancing dementia.

His wife Jill seems to want to be first lady so badly she is willing to sacrifice her husband's well-being to her own hunger for power. Maybe she thinks she can be Edith Wilson, Woodrow Wilson's second wife, who ostensibly ran the country after Wilson's massive stroke in 1919. He had suffered three previous strokes: 1896, 1906, and 1913. Wilson was an avowed racist and the first "progressive" president to attempt the transformation of America. He was a nasty piece of work. Obama was his direct descendent politically.

Joe Biden suffered two aneurysms for which he underwent brain surgery. He survived those operations and remained a senator without distinction. As Robert Gates wrote in his book, Joe Biden has been wrong on every foreign policy issue for forty years. He has always been a mediocre senator and everyone — the media and the DNC — knows it.

Pelosi now seems to be almost as senile as Joe. She stumbles and mumbles when speaking, forgets names, and is often as completely nonsensical as Biden. She is so out of touch with the American people that she can show off her fancy refrigerator and $13-a-pint ice cream as a prescription for enduring the stay-at-home edicts. And now she is endorsing a man the whole world knows is mentally deficient. The woman is a menace to society. And like the rest of the left, she assumes the American people, at least her Democrats, are mind-numbed idiots, that despite Biden's obvious mental problems, he can be elected president.

Then came COVID-19. The left could not believe its good fortune. All previous attempts to destroy Donald Trump had failed because they were all fabricated hoaxes; Russia collusion, the thoroughly discredited Mueller report, Ukraine quid-pro-quo, impeachment. Pelosi was happily onboard with Adam Schiff's phony impeachment scam; Schiff is the biggest fool in the House, and thankfully, his unscrupulousness is gradually coming to light.

Pelosi dragged the impeachment process out as long as possible. "Procrastination is also a subtle act of corruption — it corrupts valuable time" (Amit Abraham). She was playing power politics and paying absolutely no attention to COVID-19. As late as the end of February, she was encouraging San Franciscans to party in the streets for the Chinese New Year. She opposed Trump's travel ban. Now she blames him for the virus itself. The woman is a harpy. Nothing proves her lack of concern for the country more than her predictable and prescribed endorsement of Biden. The left and its governors intend to drag out the destruction of the American economy for as long as possible in the mistaken belief that it will ensure the defeat of President Trump.

Biden's mental decline is so apparent that it is likely that the DNC will be forced to somehow select another candidate before November. It had better not be Saint Andrew of Albany. He has managed his state's virus crisis horribly. He is an arrogant, incompetent jerk. Ordering COVID-19 patients into nursing homes and not to the hospital ship or the field hospitals that Trump has speedily provided cost thousands of lives.

Meanwhile, the American public has seen President Trump's mastery of this pandemic day after day. No other president would have, could have, brought together public and private resources in order to rise to the occasion and accomplish so much, so fast. He is a consummate businessman who gets things done in a manner unknown to the denizens of D.C. He has remained scrupulously faithful to the Constitution and the ideal of federalism. He has left the Democrats and the left media in the dust, spewing their snarky, uninformed hatred for him on a daily basis.

Pelosi is the presumptive leader of her party but has been part and parcel of the Russia hoax, the Kavanaugh spectacle, impeachment and her party's failure to grasp the seriousness of this virus when Trump did, when only one person in the US had died from it. The Democrat party as a whole has devolved into a Tammany Hall machine. Nancy Pelosi has long been their Boss Tweed.

Pelosi is a ghastly creature. She and her ilk – Feinstein, Boxer, Jerry Brown, Gavin Newsom – have effectively destroyed California and they did it on purpose. They strive to import as many illegal migrants as possible; they've created and fostered the homelessness and let it fester. California is now a socialist disaster and the further destruction of the economy is just what they've wanted. They see it as their chance to transform the state into Venezuela.

Nothing proves their contempt for hardworking Americans more than their embrace of this lockdown. Pelosi pretends to revere democracy, but she means to foment and protect the plutocracy she believes she has successfully brought into being.

The greatest evil which fortune can inflict on men is to endow them with small talents and great ambition." (Vauvenargues)

Pelosi, Schiff, and Schumer, are all small talents with great ambition who have inflicted evil upon our nation.

April 28, 2020
Nancy Pelosi, a ghastly creature, quite beyond the pale
By Patricia McCarthy


Luc de Clapiers, marquis de Vauvenargues

The marquis is only partially correct in Pelosi’s case.

Pelosi turned pale green when she handed the speaker’s gavel to one of own kind —— John Boehner. This time she will turn dark green with envy when she hands the gavel to a Trump loyalist. In short: Envy combined with political power is Pelosi’s greatest evil.

Note that Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi is after voter turnout in November. She not only wants more tax dollars for the Parasite Class on her terms, Shit Mouth is paying the Democrat Party’s base to turnout in droves and vote for Braindead Biden.

Incidentally, Diarrhea Mouth needs to work on her color coordination skills. Shit-brindle brown spewing out of a green face do not go together.

Here is a sample of Pelosi’s shit-brindle brown. Notice her dress in the video:

My advice to Pelosi: Never wear green dresses. They clash with your face.

Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi got away with passing Obamacare before anyone read it. Shitty Mouth letting Mitch McConnell find out what is in her bill before the Senate votes was a cold-blooded calculation:

Bottom line: Diarrhea Mouth does not care what Republican say. Her objective has always been:

. . . voter turnout in November.

Nothing guaranties parasites turning out in droves more than promises of free stuff. It matters not how cockamamy the entire bill is, rank & file Democrats turnout for one word —— MORE.

If I was McConnell I would counter Pelosi’s bill by writing and passing a Senate bill titled: PISSING OFF DEMOCRAT PARASITES. I will gladly offer suggestions free of charge should Mitch get stuck on the wording.
If I was McConnell I would counter Pelosi’s bill by writing and passing a Senate bill titled: PISSING OFF DEMOCRAT PARASITES. I will gladly offer suggestions free of charge should Mitch get stuck on the wording.

It is no wonder Pelosi cannot see the real world:

How can Pelosi see anything when her head is always up her ass. She was wrong about Obamacare. She outdid herself with her $3,000,000,000,000 so-called coronavirus relief bill.


Sen. Kennedy: Republicans Tried To See Coronavirus Relief Pelosi’s Way, ‘But We Can’t Get Our Heads That Far Up Our Rear Ends’
Virginia Kruta
Associate Editor
May 17, 2020 12:57 PM ET

QUESTION: Can Albatrosses stick their heads up their asses?

One has to wonder, do those on the left, including the media, actually think that Joe Biden is a viable candidate for president? Do they not realize that Nancy Pelosi is as senile as Joe? Like Joe, she often slurs her words, suffers brain freezes mid-sentence and spews gibberish. Biden is life-long corruptocrat, a known plagiarist, a pathological liar and a truly mean and evil man. You can catch a glimpse of just how mean in the film about Clarence Thomas; it was Biden who grilled him mercilessly during the hearings over Anita Hill’s phony allegations. Biden is a racist as well. Pelosi is a life-long power-mad lunatic. She has allowed her own district to dissolve into a homeless camp with all the attendant problems – discarded needles, feces on the streets and sidewalks, and an ever-escalating crime wave. Smash and grab car burglaries occur by the minute in San Feancisco and there are no consequences for the perpetrators if caught. Like Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Pelosi and her husband are millionaires several times over; they’ve become rich because both have been in Congress for so many years. They all get rich on insider information. Joe Biden goes further; we all know he used a billion dollars in U.S. aid as leverage to get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired because he was investigating his son. John Kerry was in on that bit of bribery. He is as low a form of life as Biden.

And yet, at the moment, Biden is their candidate and Pelosi is their Speaker who embarrasses herself every time she opens her mouth, as does Biden. Both of them belong in a long-term care facility for the aged. That the Democrats consider either of these pols a credit to their party is proof of their willful blindness. Why do they not see what everyone outside of their party can see? That these two people are way past their sell-by date. How is Joe going to debate President Trump? He is unable to utter a coherent sentence or answer a simple question. Pelosi submitted a $3 trillion spending bill that is simply a joke. Biden has vowed to pick a “woman of color” as his running mate. Woe be unto him if he doesn’t.

As for the left’s “believe all women” mantra, that went out the window the moment Tara Reade accused Biden of sexual assault. Reade’s allegations are infinitely more credible than Christine Blasey-Ford’s fabricated accusations against a high school-aged Brett Kavanaugh, but Democrats are so self-unaware, they don’t recognize their own gross hypocrisy. This time Reade is “making it up.” See Ami Horowitz’ recent video. Blasey-Ford most likely never met Justice Kavanaugh. Reade did work in Biden’s office, did report his behavior and tell others at the time. But the Dems believed Blasey-Ford and don’t believe Reade. Go figure. Denial is a dangerous and mystifying psychological defense mechanism and the Democrat party is in denial about the mental capacity of its two most prominent “leaders.”

Donald Trump has warned our federal government about the dangers China represents to the US since the 1980s. He was right and since he took office he has tried to rectify the horrific trade imbalance. No one can refute the fact that China purposely unleashed the covid virus upon the world but Nancy Pelosi calls Trump’s focus on China “a diversion.” Is she really that clueless? Probably not, but destroying Trump is far more important to her than protecting America. Her comments about Trump’s use of hydroxychloroquine as a prophylactic are outrageous. It is the most effective drug at the moment, used all over the world. And Trump is not “morbidly obese” She however is morbidly botoxed and has undergone so much plastic surgery she resembles a character from the film Death Becomes Her. She is a ghoul in every sense of the word but the left seems not to realize it. They celebrate how she wields her power. That is what they admire; it’s the only thing they admire in anyone. They just cannot abide it in a republican, especially when they were so certain Hillary was going to win the 2016 election and they would all be in fat city. They would have been all-powerful. They would have had control of all the levers of power in this country. And being the spoiled children they are, to this day they cannot accept that defeat, especially to an outsider like Trump. They love to mock him, to call him stupid but he has them all by the short hairs and runs rings around their collective body of never-Trumpers.

To be sure, Biden and Pelosi have their devoted fans who are so blinded by their hatred of Trump and their thoroughly unwarranted hero worship of Biden and Pelosi that they mistakenly think they are normal and healthy but both are seriously in need of an intervention. Why Jill Biden allows Joe’s candidacy to continue is a cruelty, a form of elder abuse. As for Pelosi, where are her five kids telling her it is time to retire? Of course the lady of iron will would refuse but how much longer can her infirmities be on public display? Only time will tell but it seems pretty likely Trump has the election in the bag. Biden is the weakest candidate the democrat party has run since George McGovern and McGovern was a decent man; Biden is not. As for Pelosi, her district is so damaged, so depressed, they will likely re-elect her and keep her in office until she is 100% wax-ready for Madame Tussaud’s.

May 20, 2020
The left’s two big albatrosses – Biden and Pelosi
By Patricia McCarthy
Washington State Democrats should be used to stewing in excrement after listening to Diarrhea Mouth spraying her shit all over the country for decades:

I cannot help noticing that Diarrhea Mouth does not spray shit on own father:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, following the lead of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, which seem to be directing Democratic Party policy these days, is doing her part to address Congress's priority issue these days, which is denouncing the Confederates.

She's out calling for the removal of Confederate statues from the Capitol, apparently just noticing for the first time after 33 years in the House that the Confederates all around her were a problem.


“World Wars I and II found the North and South fighting for a common cause, and the generalship and military science displayed by these two great men in the War between the States lived on and were applied in the military plans of our nation in Europe and the Pacific areas,” D’Alesandro said at the dedication ceremony, as detailed by the Baltimore Sun.

...her father, Thomas D’Alesandro, Jr., oversaw the dedication of such a statue in Baltimore’s Wyman Park — the Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee Monument — as mayor of the city in 1948. At the time, the Speaker’s father said people could look to Jackson’s and Lee’s lives as inspiration and urged Americans to “emulate Jackson’s example and stand like a stone wall against aggression in any form that would seek to destroy the liberty of the world.”

June 12, 2020
Democrat family values? Nancy Pelosi curiously silent about the Confederate statues her dad put up
By Monica Showalter