Greenland Ice Sheet melting speeding up exponentially...

Cypress "sonny I spent my time arguing with dipsticks who were non believers. I did however continue to pollute the shit out of the planet by flying and having a large house and car.":shock:
Son, I spent my time on message boards, and in the political arena promoting dubious "scientists" and misinformation in an attempt to debunk global warming!

The year 2030:

-Daddy, what did you do in the years when we knew global warming was a major problem, but the world did almost nothing to address it?

-Son, I spent my time on message boards, and in the political arena promoting dubious "scientists" and misinformation in an attempt to debunk global warming!

The year 2030:

-Daddy, what did you do in the years when we knew global warming was a major problem, but the world did almost nothing to address it?

-Son, I spent my time on message boards, and in the political arena promoting dubious "scientists" and misinformation in an attempt to debunk global warming!

It's a play on a post by RSR on another board...

from your article:


For the past few years he has been managing a network of 10 automatic monitoring stations and his first results are alarming - the edges of the ice-sheet are melting up to 10 times more rapidly than earlier research had indicated.


A vicious wind whipping across 2,000 kilometres of solid ice - the length of the Greenland ice-sheet - chilled us as we filmed.

But the feeling of cold was ironic - it is the rise in air temperatures recorded here that is at least partly responsible for the sudden acceleration of the melting.

Dr Boggild and his colleagues, studying the physics of how the air and ice relate, conclude that as much as 55% of the melting is attributable to warming in the air.


Many more icebergs falling into the sea will cause two things to happen - the sea-level will rise and the injection of freshwater could disrupt the ocean currents, including the Gulf Stream.

What happens in this remote barren land has the potential to affect us all.

The ice is melting because the air is warming... isn't that what Global Warming advocates have been saying all along?

When will the skeptics listen? When the ocean is lapping on their doorsteps?

The year 2030:

-Daddy, what did you do in the years when we knew global warming was a major problem, but the world did almost nothing to address it?

-Son, I spent my time on message boards, and in the political arena promoting dubious "scientists" and misinformation in an attempt to debunk global warming!


Damn this sounds like Al Gore..only his BS was in favor of globilization and warming...

Side note: Al was about 10,000 years too late for this this happened way before man had access to fossil fuels..he should really study Oceanography and Volcanoes...this was the culprit as it is today!
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Damn this sounds like Al Gore..only his BS was in favor of globilization and warming...

Side note: Al was about 10,000 years too late for this this happened way before man had access to fossil fuels..he should really study Oceanography and Volcanoes...this was the culprit as it is today!

Yeah, thanks for clearing it all up. When Cypress comes back tomorrow, he can explain to you what "exponentially" means, and kind of walk you through the whole thing. I've really had enough of you for one day!
from your article:

The ice is melting because the air is warming... isn't that what Global Warming advocates have been saying all along?

When will the skeptics listen? When the ocean is lapping on their doorsteps?

At this point, I don't know what the flat earth denialists are clinging too. Even the GOPs top tier candidates and Bush himself recognize human activities are affecting climate and global warming.

I can only speculate that some of the denialists have spent so many years denying anthropogenic global warming, that their ego and emotions are bonded to sticking with that argument.

Remember how it took them years to finally abandon the WMD iraq fantasies? ;)
Damn this sounds like Al Gore..only his BS was in favor of globilization and warming...

Side note: Al was about 10,000 years too late for this this happened way before man had access to fossil fuels..he should really study Oceanography and Volcanoes...this was the culprit as it is today!

does it matter what is the cause? shouldn't we be discussing what to do rather than trying to lay blame?

10,000 years ago... how many people had to flee their cities and homes because of the rising seas? how many died because of the famines caused by droughts or floods? how many people died in the wars that ensued due to all that lost land?

how many will die this time around?
Damn this sounds like Al Gore..only his BS was in favor of globilization and warming...

Side note: Al was about 10,000 years too late for this this happened way before man had access to fossil fuels..he should really study Oceanography and Volcanoes...this was the culprit as it is today!

No scientist has ever denied natural climate cycles occur.

The speed and acceleration of the current warming trend is not possible, without the contribution of human activities. Greenhouse gases and deforestation in particular. That is well established by now.
Damn this sounds like Al Gore..only his BS was in favor of globilization and warming...

Side note: Al was about 10,000 years too late for this this happened way before man had access to fossil fuels..he should really study Oceanography and Volcanoes...this was the culprit as it is today!

Those in favor of human-influenced climate change:

National Academy of Sciences, American Meteorological Society, President Bush, all top tier republican prez candidates (McCain, Guilliani, Romney), American Geophysical Union, International Panel of Climate change, US Environmental Protection Agency, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, NASA, and all major world scientific bodies on the planet.

Those in favor of completely natural causes for current climate change:

Anonymous poster BeetleBourne.