Grilled Rice....


Will work for Scooby snacks
Jesus, this is what congressional oversight looks like:

I was watching the CSPAN senate hearing with Condi Rice:

Hagel called the bush iraq policy, the worst foreign policy disaster since vietnam.

Bill Nelson basically called Rice a liar

Obama basically said she was incompetent.

Voinivich almost broke down in tears, talking about the soldiers she and bush sent to die for dubious reasons.
I thought it was interesting how a person who stated, "I won't be impacted.." was all over her for not being personally impacted by having family in danger.

I guess it's because if you have a D by your name you have the magic to "Feel other's pain..." But if it is an R you can't because you only have the "Hard Heart" magic... Or she may not have realized that her very statement oozed hypocrisy of its own accord....
I thought it was interesting how a person who stated, "I won't be impacted.." was all over her for not being personally impacted by having family in danger.

I guess it's because if you have a D by your name you have the magic to "Feel other's pain..." But if it is an R you can't because you only have the "Hard Heart" magic... Or she may not have realized that her very statement oozed hypocrisy of its own accord....

Did he support the invasion?
Did he support the invasion?
I would have asked that question too had the argument really been about that. The whole, "You aren't personally impacted, and so unable to know, while I am not personally impacted and somehow magically know..." thing really took away that argument. The hypocrisy was astounding.

Not personally impacted myself <- able to magically know what others feel...
Not personally impacted yourself <- therefore unable to know what others feel...

That is the scenario of her statements. Therefore, since the argument was about personal impact and knowledge she undermined her own magical ability to feel by pointing out that since Rice had no personal impact she couldn't know how others felt.
shrub is an all or nuthing guy; the outcome of iraq is either going to make him great or toast; nothing in between.
If it was only the Republican party that bush and co. had hurt I would be a happy guy, but he has hurt our country and that really sucks.
No kidding. It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to discover that one... Bush has hurt the party, doubtless he has.
When Voinovich, Murkowski , and Sununu -- Sununu, for cryin' out loud -- turn on his Secretary of State on national television, I'd say that's a slam-dunk.
How can you defend a mistake that has been compounded by mistakes piled on top of one another.

Oh, you can't. But she seemed to be trying just that during the early part of the session. She became more and more irritated as it proceeded, because nobody was accepting her slogan answers and were digging for real information. And she really had no answers.