Grind Cashes Third in a 70 Person multi


on indefiniate mod break
This is my second multi cash in about a month, I'll post the other one some other time. I'll take some time to review some key hands and such. I only won 500 dollars but for a 50 dollar buy in, that's not too shabby.

The first thing with this tournament is that it has a rebuy... I hate rebuy tournaments, they always piss me off because people use their add on which means I either have to pay more to be competitive or take my chances. On the plus side it does add more money to the field.

Starting stacks are 3000, with blinds are 25/50 going up every 20 minutes.

The first good hand happened as follows, I had pocket 55's in early position, and I decided to limp with it. A kid in middle position raises it up to 250 (5x the big blind). This is still very early in the tournament. You see, the tricky thing about where I play is that you have VERY good players, and very BAD players. So it's sometimes very difficult to figure out if you are a dealing with a moron or a very skilled player when you are first sitting down. Normally I don't like to call such big raises early in the tournament, especially out of position, but i decided to take a stab and see what would happen. he could easily have had AK, or a medium pocket pair that I could maybe pick him off on. Anyway.. so he raised, two more calls, and I called.

The flop was a beautiful rainbow 7 5 9, giving me the set I was looking for. I checked, initial raiser bets 600, fold, fold, and I call.

Turn was a blank. I bet 600. Kid raises to 1200. I ponder for a second consider whether or not he may have a better set... but I wasn't too worried, I go all in for the rest of my chips, he calls with QQ. I double up to around 5k.

Nothing much happens for a while, I try to limp a few times but people keep raising.. so I sit back for a bit. Then I wake up with QQ. There are two limpers in front of me, and I raise it 3x the BB to 600. (blinds have gone up to 100 200) and I get one caller who is out of position. This caller is a kid I have played before who is usually pretty tight

Flop comes 9 K 10 with all clubs.... I'm not happy. Tight kid bets 700.. and I call. on the Turn, he moves all in for 1500 more. I may have made a mistake here, but if I called and lost I would have been down quite a bit, this kid was pretty tight, so I mucked my queens. Kid had a weak king. I showed my QQ too... one degenerate gambler comments how I still had the flush draw... but I don't like putting 2/3rds my stack in when im only 20% to win. Though a decent laydown, now the table thinks I'm a pushover, which factors in to the next hand...

With my limp folding, and my QQ hand, I'm now down to around 2600 in chips with blinds still at 100 200.

I pick up 66 in the small blind and I call. Same kid that had the QQ before again raises to 600, an above average stack in middle position calls, and I call.

Flop is 3 7 10 with two clubs. I decide that once again, the initial raiser misssed, and my 66's are still good. So I bet out 600 into an 1800 pot, more as a feeler bet to see where I am. Doubtful the kid raised with A7, or even A10... middle position if he had A10, K10 would have raised from my observations instead of limp calling. So I wasn't too scared at this point. The initial raiser folds. And now douchebag above average stack guy re raises enough to put me all in.

This hand was very interesting because this is almost right after I folded my queens, and whether it was right or wrong, I knew for a fact a lot of people at the table saw it as a weak play.. and it might have been. So I knew this guy thought that he may be able to take this pot away from me.. and he could afford it as well. I figured he didn't have a monster because he would have wanted to extract more value from me than simply trying to scare me away.

So after careful thinking, I knew that he obviously wasn't strong, and was trying to take the pot away from me. That didn't mean he didn't have a hand though. Again, there are two over cards on the board. But the more I thought about it, him having a 7 or a 10 just didn't add up for me.

So I threw all my chips in, making a completely sick call.

He had pocket 55's. He also stayed the hell away from me for the rest of the tournament. By the time of the first break I had around 6800 in chips. Not too shabby.

After the break, blinds were 200 400. Some time passes and my stack dwindles a little bit, but nothing that's a big deal. Some new guy comes to our table because his table broke.. and sits down to my right. I notice he has lots and lots of 25 chips and 100 chips, leading me to believe he was doing a lot of blind stealing. I am in the small blind with 10 5 of clubs, and this new guy is on the button. He min raises it to 800. Now I know what you are thinking, "Grind, that's junk, ditch it." Usually, I do. I'm a pretty tight player... but I felt that I could out play this guy, that he was making a move, or I hate getting bitch raised... sorry, doesn't work with me... so I decided to call out of position with my junk. everyone else folds.

Flop comes 3d, 10d, 6d. I checked in the dark, and now all of a sudden this guy comes alive with a bet of 3000 into a 2000 dollar pot. I swear I think I almost had a disgusted look on my face, just because I didn't believe him at all and thought it was painfully obvious. That's my elitism kicking in, lol. So I called, figuring he had overs and would slow down on the turn. Turn was another 3, I checked again, he bets another 3000! There is now 11000 in this pot...and I'm telling you this guy is just SCREAMING desperation to get me out of this hand. At this point I figure as follows:

If he has a flush, he would not be betting so strongly. He would want to get value from me. If he had a monster over pair, he would have gone all in by this point, hoping I don't draw out on him. This just wasn't adding up.. and at this point I was pretty sure I had the best hand. So I called again.

The river was another ten, giving me a boat. Funny thing though, I had forgotten about the threes on the board. So I thought I only had trips at first, and didn't really want to put more money in. I was slightly worried he may have purposely been overbetting to draw me in with his flush, so i decided to just be cautious about the whole thing, well he goes all in for another 3k, I finally wake up and find out I have a boat, I call. Guess what he had? KJ of clubs. yeah guy, better luck next time.

My stack is now up to around 15-16kish. With blinds at 300 600.

*Im going to leave out some hands now and just be brief. I kind of went on a run, someone min-raised under the gun, I had KK, I reraised to 2200, he called, flop was all low cards, he checks, I bet 2500 and took it down.

*Same kid min raises again, I call on the button with K10s, flop is q 10 10 giving me trip tens... kid bets 1k, i raise to 2500, he folds.

- - - The rest to be continued - - -

p.s. I realize no one read all of this, except maybe mbl. But probably not.
Yep, I see it everyday here. People that do not have the money to wast , buying lots of lottery tickets. One guy I know who makes maybe 30K, buys 20-30 dollars every day at the local store....yeah he wins a little every now and again, but is always way behind.
But there is that one big win just around the corner.....
Can't quit playing these numbers becuase they will hit if I quit playing them...
I personally think all lotteries should not let you pick numbers, all should be quick pick.
Yep, I see it everyday here. People that do not have the money to wast , buying lots of lottery tickets. One guy I know who makes maybe 30K, buys 20-30 dollars every day at the local store....yeah he wins a little every now and again, but is always way behind.
But there is that one big win just around the corner.....
Can't quit playing these numbers becuase they will hit if I quit playing them...
I personally think all lotteries should not let you pick numbers, all should be quick pick.

The lottery is a tax on the stupid.
Too much herb, is that possible ?

I don't really need the money, just figure what the heck, If I win I can help a lot of people.
oh and poker has positive expected value if you play right. It's a game of skill. Short term is affected by luck but long term you can make a consistent profit.
go kill someone elses thread.


AHZ started turning every thread of mine into a discussion of Affirmative action, so I started talking about my hair on his threads, and that stopped quick.

Just some advice. Retaliation can be a good thing.