

JPP Modarater
Now that we've converted you two to communism and you hate white people too, I thought I'd let you guys know about the Citizens Against Caucasian's Club. There are meetings are at your local IHOPs this Tuesday at 8. We like to schedule them while everyone is watching American Idol. Anyway, wear your favorite Che t-shirts, bring a few American flags to burn, and come prepared with ideas. This week's agenda is "State Run TV: What America is Missing out on".

Also, Al Sharpton is going to be doing a webcast Monday night beforehand. Take notes.

-Kill Whitey
I've mentioned the time a piece of white trash who robbed a store and was running from police sucker punched me in the face right?

I def hate trashy whites.
Mwah hah haaaaa......

Grind now thinks he's an elitist. The next phase is complete.