Grind fails as usual


on indefiniate mod break
there was a very special person not so long ago

Of which I had playful videos with, and lots of great pictures from going on a vacation and other fun things.

I decided to encrypt all of the data. I made an awesome password.

Now I can't remember my password, and some of my fondest memories are locked away in 256bit AES. I'll probably never get the data back ever again

Must have been porn which is why you encrypted it. Look at this day as you chance to rid yourself from it forever and live as a holy man one with Christ. :)
also for some frame of reference the u.s. government has adopted this encryption standard and 192bit encryption is sufficent for top secret u.s. documents
there was a very special person not so long ago

Of which I had playful videos with, and lots of great pictures from going on a vacation and other fun things.

I decided to encrypt all of the data. I made an awesome password.

Now I can't remember my password, and some of my fondest memories are locked away in 256bit AES. I'll probably never get the data back ever again

Keep trying to remember. You may get it one day.
there was a very special person not so long ago

Of which I had playful videos with, and lots of great pictures from going on a vacation and other fun things.

I decided to encrypt all of the data. I made an awesome password.

Now I can't remember my password, and some of my fondest memories are locked away in 256bit AES. I'll probably never get the data back ever again


You might find help here. :)
Keep trying to remember. You may get it one day.

... but don't actively try too hard. For some reason that just sets up blocks to the memory. A former boss of mine used to say that if he couldn't recall something like what you're describing, he'd "assign" the search to his unconscious by saying tacitly, "Go get that, Genie". Surprisingly, or perhaps not, it often worked.

Best thing, just relax and try not to obsess over it, that just makes it even harder to remember. I recently found an old combination lock that I think I may have had in high school, or perhaps it was some years later but still long ago. I just held it, tried not to think, and the combination came to me after one try -- I'd transposed two numbers the first time.
there was a very special person not so long ago

Of which I had playful videos with, and lots of great pictures from going on a vacation and other fun things.

I decided to encrypt all of the data. I made an awesome password.

Now I can't remember my password, and some of my fondest memories are locked away in 256bit AES. I'll probably never get the data back ever again


By awesome password, do you mean something that sounded cool or involved lots of symbols, numbers and letters?
~30 chars in length, different cases, some non-alpha numeric chars mixed in, no dictionary words, no language, completely random and impersonal to me, and it's not used anywhere else by me
~30 chars in length, different cases, some non-alpha numeric chars mixed in, no dictionary words, no language, completely random and impersonal to me, and it's not used anywhere else by me
Shit, I got upset with my wife for using a password that was just 2 numbers different than our usual one because I knew I'd have a hard time remembering it and I did.

Sorry man, condolences, but there is no hope. You actually expected to remember that?

By the way how is your job going with that judge or are you back in school again, I can't remember?
its not porn -_-

The only reason I could ever see for encrypting something like this would be if you had made some porn. And even then it would probably be overkill. Even my most extreme password ever was 15 characters and was assembled out of nonsense symbols and other passwords I used.
~30 chars in length, different cases, some non-alpha numeric chars mixed in, no dictionary words, no language, completely random and impersonal to me, and it's not used anywhere else by me

Uh-oh. And you didn't write it down anywhere either, did you! Sorry, Grind.
Grind, NO ONE CARES what you and your friend did on vacation. There's NO REASON IN THE UNIVERSE to encrypt it.

Lets turn this thread into "guess Grind's password".

Here's my guess:

Grind, why the fuck would you use a password that you couldn't relate to enough to remember. We are talking about videos of someone who you consider to be special, afterall. I just want to point out that you deserve this, and its entirely your own fault. Fuck you. BTW, if you ever hack back in, I want copies of the parts where she's nude.
