Grind goes postal


Junior Member
Call your local authorities. Grind just divulged this to me on chat. This is pasted verbatim.

so i went back to south america, and i was sitting around and there were some papers on a floor, and there was a four year old, and i said, where are all these papers from? and the four year old turned around and said WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT

and i was like ... i was just asking a qu -

and then i jumped him and beat the shit out of him and blood was everywhere
and i picked him up and kept slamming his head down on the ground mashing it up
with blood everywhere
its a dream I had last night. ib1 forgot the part how I was in antartica and walked across the ocean to south america. It was only 50 feet from antartica.
I figured grind could at least take a 12 yr old, but good job grind we all knew you had toughness in you.
Synchronicity (•_•);872309 said:
i miss talking to ib1 on aim :(

he was one of the coolest dudes on here.

IB1 sometimes talks to me on pidgin. However, last time that he tried to talk to me, a few months ago, I was on vyvanse and obsessively researching something pointless, so I blew him off. And he hasn't contacted me since then.